Viewing Imported Data on the Match Bank Data Page

On the Match Bank Data page, you can view a list of bank or credit card lines for your imported statement that require manual matching.


As of NetSuite 2020.2, the Import Details page is no longer supported. However, you can still access import details by adding the Bank Statement Import List portlet to the Home dashboard. To add a List portlet, see List Portlets.

When you import data for bank or credit card reconciliation, NetSuite automatically matches your data to account transactions in NetSuite on the Match Bank Data page. To view automatically-matched transactions, see Viewing Transactions To Be Submitted. To match transactions that require manual matching, see Matching Bank Data.


If NetSuite is processing a bank line, the line item is dimmed. Refresh the Imported Bank Data grid by clicking the Refresh icon above it.

To view imported data on the Match Bank Data page:

  1. Go to Transactions > Bank > Match Bank Data.

    To access the Match Bank Data and Reconcile Account Statement pages, your role requires the Reconcile permission. For details, see Permissions for Banking Features.

  2. From the Account list, select the bank or credit card account for which you want to view your imported data.


    If you want to use the Match Bank Data and Reconcile Account Statement pages for an existing account, check the Use Match Bank Data and Reconcile Account Statement Pages box on the account record. NetSuite automatically checks this box for newly–created accounts. For details, see Editing an Account.

    NetSuite displays the Imported Bank Data and Account Transactions for the selected account.

  3. To view the list of imported bank lines for the account that requires matching, look at the Imported Bank Data grid in the To Be Matched subtab.

  4. To view account transactions that NetSuite has automatically matched against your imported data, click the Review subtab.

  5. To validate the integrity of your imported account statement, review the following information in the To Be Matched and Review subtabs:

    • Date – The date on which the transaction occurred. If the transaction date is not in the imported file, this column displays the posting date. The posting date of a transaction refers to the date when the transaction is posted to a general ledger account.

    • Type – The type of transaction, such as Check, Payment, Deposit, and Interest.

    • Tran No. – The transaction ID, if available.

    • Name – The name of the merchant or payee.

    • Memo – The memo for the transaction, if available.

    • Amount – The transaction amount.

  6. To view excluded imported data, including duplicate bank lines, click the Excluded subtab.

    NetSuite detects a duplicate when all of the following criteria are met:

    • All transaction fields from the preceding step are identical to the fields of an existing transaction from a previous import.

    • Both transactions belong to the same financial institution account and have the same currency.

    • Both transactions have the same unique identifier. For details, see the uniqueId parameter in createNewTransaction().

    If the transaction is not a duplicate, click Restore. For more information, see Restoring Excluded Imported Bank Lines.

To match and reconcile your data, see Bank Data Matching and Reconciliation.

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