Troubleshooting Missing Retrieved Products in NetSuite Connector

When you attempt to retrieve a product using the Products page, the following occurs:

  1. NetSuite Connector attempts to retrieve and store the product’s details.

  2. NetSuite Connector uses product mappings to categorize the product.

If the product was imported into NetSuite Connector but is not appearing in the product table, there is an issue in the second step. Follow these steps to resolve the issue in NetSuite Connector:

  1. Ensure that you have set the SKU field for the storefront and account in which you are working.

    You can verify the SKU field mapping from the Product Mappings page (Mappings > Products) of your connector and account combination.

  2. Ensure that you have added at least one mapping category for the storefront on the Product Mappings page.

    For the category, you must have at least the flag field and category mappings completed.

  3. Ensure that your item has its flag field populated and is classified under the category in the CATEGORY mapping.

  4. Ensure that the item does not have a duplicate, that is, no two items in NetSuite have the same SKU.

  5. Refresh the page and try retrieving the product again.

If you are still unable to retrieve the product, contact NetSuite support.

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