Mapping Order Location in NetSuite Connector

When an order is synced, NetSuite Connector can assign orders to a location using a mapping. This assignment can be at the order header level or at line item level. The process of assigning the location is same in both cases, only change is the page in which the mapping is created in NetSuite Connector.

To map the order location:

  1. Log in to

  2. Select the connector and the relevant account.

  3. Go to Mappings > Orders.

  4. Perform one of the following actions:

    • To map the location at order header level, click the Order tab.

      The Order Mappings page opens.

    • To map the location at line item level, click the Order Item tab.

      The Order Item Mappings page opens.

  5. Click Add Mapping.

    The Add NetSuite Mapping window opens.

  6. From the NetSuite Field list, select Location.

  7. Click Add Mapping.

  8. Click Close.

    A new row for the Location field displays at the end of the mappings list.

  9. In the newly added row in the mappings list, from the dropdown list in the <marketplace or cart name> Field / Fixed Value column (for example Shopify Field / Fixed Value), select the location.

    Click the Reload NetSuite Lists button and then refresh the page.

  10. (Optional) For Amazon connector, you will have an additional dropdown list that enables you to select whether the mapping applies to FBA orders, MFN orders, or both. Make appropriate selection in the list.

  11. Click Save.

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