NetSuite Connector IP Addresses to Safelist (Allowlist)


Oracle NetSuite does not support the use of NetSuite IP addresses to access or manage access to any NetSuite services. There are better alternatives than using a list of allowed IP addresses to manage access to NetSuite. Using IP addresses (either as part of a URL or in your Domain Name Server, or DNS) to access NetSuite services prevents dynamic DNS routing. Understand the following:

  • The IP addresses of NetSuite services may change at any time without notice.

  • Using IP addresses to directly access NetSuite services can result in unpredictable service outages or significant performance degradation.

When using a cart, server, or other service that is behind a firewall, you may need to add NetSuite Connector IP Addresses to your firewall’s safelist or allowlist.

If necessary, include the following IP addresses:

Including the above IP addresses to your safelist will enable you to connect to any NetSuite Connector service.


If you view any of the following issues for a connector, the reason most likely is that the IP addresses are blocked:

  • Long delays before a failing test or timed out test.

  • 403 Forbidden error.

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