Adding Product Images for NetSuite Connector

Most marketplaces or carts require at least one product image to create a new product. To create a new product listing using NetSuite Connector, include at least one image on each item record in NetSuite that you sync with NetSuite Connector.

You can add images by either hosting your images directly on NetSuite or by hosting using a third-party hosting solution. You can also create a custom field in NetSuite so you can sync more images. After adding the images, you must map them so NetSuite Connector can post them in your marketplace or cart.

Hosting Images in NetSuite

Hosting images in NetSuite uses the File Cabinet feature. Before proceeding, make sure you have the image file ready to upload.

For information about uploading images, read Upload Images to the File Cabinet.

Adding an Image to an Item

After uploading the image to the file cabinet, add the image to the item. You can upload the image, either by selecting the image in one of the native NetSuite image fields or a custom item field of type Image.

To add an image to an item:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.

  2. From the list page, click Edit next to the item to which you want to add the image.

  3. Click the Web Store subtab.


    The subtab can be different if you are using a custom field.

  4. Click the double arrow in the Item Display Image field and click List.

  5. Search for and select the desired image.

  6. Click Save.

Hosting Images with a Third-Party

If you host your images with a third-party, you will need the image URL. The image URL must be publicly accessible and must end with image file extension such as jpg or gif. For example,

You will then have to create a custom item field of type Free-Form Text.

Then, add the image URL to the custom item field in the item record.

To add the image URL to the item:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.

  2. From the list page, click Edit next to the to which you want to add the image.

  3. Locate the field you are using to store the URL and enter the URL.

  4. Click Save.

Creating a Custom Image Field and Uploading Images to that Field

The following procedure provides steps to create a custom image field in NetSuite uploading the images to that field.

To create a custom image field and upload images to that field:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Item Fields > New

  2. On the Custom Items Fields page:

    1. In the Label field, enter the label for the image field.

    2. In the ID field, enter the ID for the field.

    3. From the Type list, select Image.

    4. Click Applies To subtab select all the item types to which you want this field to apply.

    5. Click Save.

  3. Open an item of a type that you selected when creating the field in Edit mode.

  4. Locate the field in the item record.

  5. Hover over the field and click the Plus icon that appears next to the field..

    The File popup window opens.

  6. In the popup window:

    1. Click Choose File.

    2. From the Open window select the file and click Open.

    3. Check the Available Without Login box.

    4. Click Save.

    5. On the Items page, click Save.

      The custom image should display under the custom image field in the item record.

Mapping Image Fields

With the images set up in the NetSuite, you must update the mappings to pull the image fields into NetSuite Connector to post them to the marketplace or cart.

To map image fields:

  1. Log in to NetSuite Connector.

  2. On the left menu panel, select the relevant connector and account combination.

  3. Go to Mappings > Products.

  4. Click Add Mapping.

  5. On the Add Mapping window, click the Standard dropdown field to display a list of fields for mapping. Other fields are listed under the Required and Uncommon dropdown fields.

  6. From the list of fields, locate the name of the images field for the relevant connector. The field varies depending on the connector.

  7. Click Add Mapping.

    The mapping will be added at the end of your list of mappings.

  8. Click Close.

  9. Locate your new mapping in the Product Mappings list and click the Special Mapping -Click to Edit link.

  10. On the images Mapping window, in the Image Field, enter the field ID of the NetSuite field that contains the image data to send to the marketplace or cart.

    Some marketplaces or carts allow you specify a set of images, while others provide multiple image fields.

    For example, Shopify allows multiple images to be specified using a single field. If you have multiple image fields to map in Shopify, click Add Row to have more mapping fields.

  11. After completing the mappings, click Save Changes.

  12. To test your new mappings, make a change to a product in NetSuite that NetSuite Connector is syncing with. Ensure that the field you are using for images has data populated in NetSuite. The change will trigger an automatic sync by NetSuite Connector.

    For more information about manually syncing a test product, see NetSuite Connector Manual Sync Tests.

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