NetSuite Connector Manual Sync Tests

This topic covers manual testing procedures for the following:

Testing Order Sync

You must first retrieve the order into NetSuite Connector and then send the order to NetSuite.

For information about retrieving an order into NetSuite Connector, read Importing Orders from the Storefront in NetSuite Connector.

To send an order to NetSuite:

  1. Go to Data Flows > Orders.

  2. Click the Orders tab.

  3. From the orders list, locate the order that you want to send to NetSuite.

    The order should be highlighted in blue and should show the status as either In FarApp (Automatic Sync Disabled) or Order Pending Posting to NetSuite.

  4. Click the pencil icon on the order line.

  5. (Optional) To preview what will be sent to NetSuite, click Show Order Mapping.

  6. Click Post Order to NetSuite.

    The status of the order changes to Posting in Progress.

    After the order is posted to NetSuite, the order status is updated on the dashboard. If the order is successfully sent as cash sales, the dashboard shows the status as Complete. If the order is successfully sent to sales orders, the dashboard shows the status of Order Posted Waiting For Shipment. If there is an error in sending the order, you will get an error message.

Testing Fulfillment Sync

This procedure assumes that you have sent an order to NetSuite through NetSuite Connector and that order is fulfilled in NetSuite. After fulfilling the order in NetSuite, use the following steps to manually retrieve the fulfillment information and send the information to the marketplace or cart.

To manually retrieve fulfillment information:

  1. Go to Data Flows > Orders.

  2. From the orders list, locate the order that you want to send to NetSuite.

    The order should show the status of Order Posted Waiting For Shipment.

  3. Click the pencil icon on the order line and select Upload Shipment from NetSuite.

    NetSuite Connector retrieves the fulfillment information from NetSuite and sends the information to marketplace or cart.

    If the sync is successful, the status or the order changes to Complete. If there is an error, the error, the error is displayed on the order line.

Testing Price and Quantity Sync

To complete the price and quantity sync test, make sure your mappings are set up.

For more information, read the following topics:

To test an item, you must have the Flag field set to Add/Update Item in NetSuite.

Pulling the Product into NetSuite Connector

To test the price and quantity sync, you must first pull the product into NetSuite Connector.

To pull the product into NetSuite Connector:

  1. Go to Data Flows > Products.

    The Products dashboard opens.

  2. Click Retrieve.

    The Retrieve Product into FarApp window opens.

  3. In the Product SKU or Internal ID field, enter the SKU or internal ID of the product.

  4. Click Retrieve.

    The product is added to the list of products in your Products dashboard.

Sending the Product to Marketplace or Cart

After the product is pulled into NetSuite Connector, send the product to the marketplace or cart.

To send the product to marketplace or cart:

  1. Go to Data Flows > Products.

    The Products dashboard opens.

  2. From the products list, locate the product that you want to send to the marketplace or cart.

    The product should be highlighted in blue and show the status as either In FarApp (Automatic Sync Disabled) or Product Updates Scheduled to Post to X. Where X is the marketplace or cart connector name that you are testing.

  3. (Optional) To preview the data that NetSuite Connector will sync, read Viewing Product Mapping in NetSuite Connector.

  4. Click the pencil icon on the product line.

  5. Click Update Inventory and Price on X . Where, X is the name of the marketplace or cart connector that you are testing.

    The status of the product changes to Posting in Progress.

    After the product is posted, the product status is updated on the Products dashboard. If the posting is successful, the status changes to Product Synced to X. If there is an error in posting the product, you will get an error message.

Testing Full Product Sync

To test a full product sync, make sure you have at least a category mapping and one other field set up.

For more information, see the following topics:

To test an item, you must have the Flag field set to Add/Update Item in NetSuite.

To test the product sync, first pull the product into NetSuite Connector and then send the product to your marketplace or cart. For more information, read Pulling the Product into NetSuite Connector.

After the product is pulled into NetSuite Connector, send the product to the marketplace or cart. For more information, read Sending the Product to Marketplace or Cart.

Testing Matrix Items

Testing matrix items is similar to testing standalone items, except for the following extra steps to make sure the posts to the family items are correct.


The following steps do not apply for price and quantity sync.

  1. Set the Flag field for both parent and child items appropriately. If you want to post to both parent and child items, the Flag fields of both must be set to Add/Update Item. To post child items as individual items, the parent item must be set to Post Children as Standalone and child item must be set to Add/Update Item.

  2. Manually retrieve the parent item of all child items into NetSuite Connector.

  3. Post only the parent item to your marketplace or cart. The child items are posted with the parent items automatically.

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