Restricting Role Access to Accounting Books

You can select which accounting books are accessible to users by role. Users with a role that has access to an accounting book can post transactions to that book or see reports from that book. You can use this feature to grant a role access to all accounting books, and users with this role will automatically have access to new accounting books as they are created.

To set accounting book access by role:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > User Management > Manage Roles and select or create a role.

  2. In the role record, go to the Accounting Books section and select one of the following in the Selected Accounting Books field:

    • All -This role can see all accounting books

    • Primary -This role can see only the primary accounting book

    • Primary and Selected -This role can see the primary accounting book and any secondary books you select. When you select this option, an Accounting Book field appears where you can select which secondary books the role has access to.

  3. Click Save.

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