Setting Employee Restrictions
In the Employee Restrictions field, you can restrict this role's access to transaction, customer, and employee records, based on values in the employee, sales rep, and supervisor fields on these records. The restrictions set here may also limit the values that users logged in with this role can assign to these fields on records. These restrictions do not affect access to contact records.
none -no default – There is no restriction on what can be selected. Record access is not determined by this field. A default selection does not appear.
none -default to own – There is no restriction on what can be selected. Record access is not determined by this field. Fields of this type will select the user by default.
own, subordinate, and unassigned – Users are restricted when selecting any of the employee, sales rep, or supervisor fields. Users are granted access to records belonging to their supervisor hierarchy. Users may only select themselves or their subordinates. If the select field is optional, then the user may leave the value unassigned. Note that unassigned is technically a null value when used for filtering.
own and subordinates only – Users are restricted when selecting any of the employee, sales rep, or supervisor fields. Users are granted access to records belonging to their supervisor hierarchy with the exception of unassigned records. Consequently, unassigned records are filtered and denied access. Users may only select themselves or their subordinates.
Note:In some cases, a role might include both the own and subordinates only restriction and the process payroll and commit payroll permissions. In this case, to ensure that the user can create a payroll batch and view all the employees who are included in the payroll batch, the process payroll and commit payroll permissions override the own and subordinates only restriction.
These restrictions can also be used to restrict access to custom records, based on values in an Employee list/record custom field, if the Apply Role Restrictions box is checked for the field. See Applying Role-Based Restrictions to Custom Records.
Check the Allow Viewing box to allow users logged in with this role to see, but not edit, data for employees to which the role does not have access.
Note that this setting does not allow viewing of employee payroll or commissions data. Also, users cannot view non-subordinate employee records other than their own record when the Employee Restrictions field is set to own and subordinates only.
Check the Do Not Restrict Employee Fields box to allow users with this role to select any employee in employee fields.
For example, a sales manager could select any sales rep in the Sales Rep field on a customer record even if that sales rep is part of another team.
Check the Restrict Time and Expenses box to restrict the time and expenses employees with this role can enter, edit, and view when you add the Track Time and Expense Report permissions.
Employees with this role will not be able to enter or edit expense reports or time transactions on behalf of other employees.
Employees with this role will be able to view expense reports and time transactions for their subordinates.
Reports and searches will only return time or expense transactions entered by the employee or their subordinates. Class, department, location, and subsidiary restrictions will not be applied for expense and time transactions.
Clearing the Restrict Time and Expenses box enables this role to enter, edit, and approve time transactions and expense reports for all other employees when you add the Track Time and Expense Report permissions.
If you have set restrictions in the Employee Restrictions field, check the Sales Role box if employees using this role should be restricted based on the Sales Rep field on records and transactions.
If you use the Customer Service and Support feature and have set restrictions in the Employee Restrictions field, check the Support Role box if employees using this role should be restricted based on the Assigned To field on cases.
If you use the Partner Relationship Management feature and have set restrictions in the Employee Restrictions field, check the Partner Role box to restrict partners to records and transactions based on the Partner field.
Related Topics
- Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles
- Customizing and Creating Roles
- Assigning Core Administration Permissions
- Administrator – No HR/Employee Access SuiteApp
- Restricting Role Access to Accounting Books
- Restricting Role Access to Subsidiaries (OneWorld Only)
- Setting Department, Class, and Location Restrictions
- Setting a Role as Issue Role for Issue Management
- Setting a Role as Web Services Only Role
- Setting a Role as Single Sign-On Only Role
- Restricting a Role by Device ID
- Restricting a Role by IP Address
- Setting Two-Factor Authentication Requirements
- Setting Permissions
- Setting Default and Restricted Forms
- Setting Search Defaults for a Role
- Setting Role-Based Preferences
- Translating Custom Role Names
- Selecting a Dashboard for a Role