Dependent Dropdown Lists Example

You can create dependent dropdown lists that enable you to filter the choices in a list based on the selections in one or more other fields. The topics in this section describe the steps of creating multiple dependent dropdown lists for a company that sells shirts in various sizes, colors, and styles.

To understand the content in this topic, you should be familiar with creating custom lists, custom record types, and custom transaction types. For more information, see the following help topics:

A company sells shirts of multiple sizes (small and large), colors (black and white), and styles (v-neck and crew). The company sells any combination of size and color, but the selection of styles is limited to a set of color-size combinations. For example, the company does not sell large, black, v-neck shirts, but it does sell large, black, crew neck shirts.

Shirt Color and Shirt Size are List/Record transaction line fields that refer to custom lists. Shirt Style is a custom record type that includes the Shirt Color and Shirt Size fields. There is also a Shirt Style transaction line field that refers to the list of Shirt Style custom record instances.

To understand how the feature works, it helps to think in terms of controlling fields versus dependent fields. Controlling fields are used to determine the selections that are available in dependent fields.

The Shirt Style transaction line field filters according to what is selected in the Shirt Color and Shirt Size transaction line fields. Shirt Color and Shirt Size are the controlling fields. Shirt Style is the dependent field.

For the steps to create the dependent dropdown lists for the preceding scenario, see Steps for Creating Dependent Dropdown Lists.

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