Resolving Issues Related to Transactions and Accounts

This section covers the transaction-and accounts-related issues in generating the PT SAF-T for Accounting XML file, and how to resolve these issues.

Resolving Unmapped Portugal GL Accounts

Generating the PT SAF-T file fails if an account or accounts have not been mapped.

To resolve the issue of unmapped GL accounts:

  1. Go to Setup > Tax Audit Files > Audit Files Field Mapping.

  2. In the Category field, ensure that you selected PT SAF–T Account Grouping.

  3. In the Subsidiary field, select a Portugal subsidiary.

  4. In the Account Type field, select the type of account where the non-mapped account mentioned in the TXT file belongs.

  5. On the Mapping subtab, map the account to the correct grouping category in the Value field.

  6. Click Save.

For more information, see Mapping Portugal GL Accounts to SAF-T Categories.

Resolving Invalid Match of Account to Account Grouping

The PT SAF-T file cannot be generated successfully if the mapping of a GL account is to a grouping category is invalid. This situation happens if the required grouping category is missing, or a grouping category is entered where there should not be any.

To resolve invalid match of account to account grouping:

  1. Go to Setup > Tax Audit Files > Audit Files Field Mapping.

  2. In the Category field, select PT SAF-T Account Grouping.

  3. In the Subsidiary field, select a Portugal subsidiary.

  4. In the Account Type field, select the type of account where the incorrectly mapped account mentioned in the TXT file belongs.

  5. On the Mapping subtab, select the correct grouping category (GR, GA, GM, AR, AA, or AM) in the Value field.

  6. Verify whether the Grouping Code field contains the correct information (if the grouping category is GA, GM, AA, or AM), or if the field is empty (if the grouping category is GR or AR).

  7. Edit as necessary.

  8. Click Save.

For more information, see Mapping Portugal GL Accounts to SAF-T Categories.

Resolving Invalid Match of Account to Taxonomy Code

Generating PT SAF-T file fails if an account categorized as GM is not mapped to a taxonomy code, or the mapping is invalid. You must correct the relevant values in the CSV file and import again.

To resolve invalid match of account to taxonomy code:

  1. Open the CSV file that you created from the saved search and to which, you added mapping category and mapping value.

  2. Open any or both of the following CSV files depending on the account mentioned on the TXT file:

    • PT Taxonomy Code S template.csv

    • PT Taxonomy Code M template.csv

  3. Find the account indicated in the TXT file, and check its corresponding mapping value for correctness. Edit as necessary.

  4. Save the CSV file.

  5. Go to Setup > Import/Export > Import Tasks > Import CSV Records.

  6. On the Import Assistant, select the following options for CSV import:

    • Import Options: Add or Update

    • Import Type: Custom Records

    • Record Type: TAF Mapping

    • CSV Column Delimiter: Comma

    • Character Encoding: Western (Windows 1252)

  7. Select the CSV file, and import according to the instructions of the Import Assistant.

For more information, see Mapping Taxonomy Codes to Portugal GL Accounts.

Resolving Missing and Duplicate Account Numbers

Each GL account associated with your Portugal subsidiary must be assigned a unique account number. The PT SAF-T file cannot be generated if:

  • The account number is missing.

  • The account number has duplicates.

To add or edit a number to a mentioned account, go to Setup > Accounting > Manage G/L > Chart of Accounts. Click Edit next to the account you want to assign a number. For more information, see Editing an Account.

If you are using accounting context, go to the Localization subtab of the account record. For more information, see Accounting Contexts.

Resolving Unbalanced Account Debit and Credit

The PT SAF-T file cannot be generated successfully if the closing debit and credit amounts are not balanced. This error is relevant to accounts categorized as GA/AA, GM/AM, and with transactions posted directly on the account. This situation could happen because the account was not mapped to the correct grouping category. For example, an account was incorrectly mapped to GA or GR, instead of GM, or a GM account was switched to GA.

To resolve this issue, review and adjust the mapping of the accounts to the correct grouping category. For more information, see Mapping Portugal GL Accounts to SAF-T Categories.

As required, reconcile these accounts by adding or removing relevant transaction lines until the balance is zero, or send the remaining balance of the account to other accounts.

Resolving Missing GL Numbers

If generating the PT SAF-T file failed because of missing GL numbers, it means you did not run a GL audit numbering sequence on your GL-impacting transactions.

To run a GL audit numbering sequence, you must first enable the GL Audit Numbering feature. For more information, see Enabling GL Audit Numbering and Setting Preferences.

You can then run the sequence on your transactions based on your Portugal subsidiary. For more information, see Running a GL Numbering Sequence for Portugal Transactions.

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