Using Budget Validation in Transactions
Budget validation works with the following transactions:
Purchase orders
Vendor bills
Purchase requests (for the Employee Center role)
The following budget validation fields appear in the following transaction pages:
Budget Date -Shows the start date of the budget period.
Budget Period -Shows the budget period in which the transaction is accounted. The SuiteApp works only with the budget method calendar months budget method.
Budget Status Message -Shows the message indicating whether the transaction is within the budget or exceeding the budget.
Last Budget Check -Shows the timestamp when the budget was last updated or validated.
When a custom budget matches the combination of budgeting year, segments, and account, values appear in the following columns of the Expenses and Items subtabs:
Budget Amount – Shows the budget amount set in the custom budget.
Budget Warning – Shows the budget warning set in the budget control record selected in the custom budget.
Budget Control Link – In View mode, this column provides a link to the budget control record.
Consumed Amount – Shows the amount of budget consumed, including all amounts from all posting transactions that meet budget criteria. (To exclude a transaction, you must customize "Budget Transaction Consumed Amount" search "status" filter criteria.)
If you have more than 50 lines on a transaction, the transaction save may take longer time and you can get the page unresponsive message. Click Wait in the message until the process completes. For large number of transactions, you should use the CSV file import method. For more information, read Guidelines for Importing Transactions Using CSV Files