Creating a Budget Control Record

The budget control record stores the following settings for use across multiple budgets:



Custom Form

Select the custom form to create the budget control record.


Enter a unique budget control name.

Budget Control Action

Select the desired outcome when you exceed the budget:

  • Warn Only – If the transaction exceeds the budget, you get a warning message on saving the transaction.

  • Prevent Save -If the transaction exceeds the budget, you get an error message and the application prevents you from saving the transaction.


If you check the Enable Threshold Warning box, the threshold warning message appears in the transaction lines when the transaction exceeds the budget threshold.

Budget Managers

Select the employees responsible for tracking and reporting the budget.

Enable Threshold Warning

Check this box to enable threshold warnings for budget control. A warning appears on the transaction line when the budget remaining meets the threshold. The threshold is set in the % Threshold Warning field.

For example, if the threshold is 10% and budget is $100, then the budget threshold is $10. If the remaining budget is less than $10, a warning appears when you save the transaction. Also, if the consumed amount is $80, adding a transaction line of $10 will trigger the warning.

% Threshold Warning

If the Enable Threshold Warning box is checked, enter the percentage value to calculate the budget threshold. A warning appears when the remaining budget meets the threshold.

For example, a warning appears when a budget of 10% remains and you enter 10 in the field.

Saved Search –Consumed Amount

Select the saved search to calculate the consumed budget. For more information, read Creating a Budget Control Saved Search.

Message (Line)

Enter the warning message that displays on the transaction lines that exceed the budget.

You can enter a message with up to 1024 characters.

Message (Transaction Save)

Enter the warning message that appears when you save a transaction that exceeds the budget.

You can enter a message with up to 1024 characters.

Threshold Warning Message (Line)

Enter the warning message that displays on the transaction lines when the budget exceeds the threshold. The message appears after you save the transaction.

You can enter a message with up to 1024 characters.

Status Message (Within Budget)

Enter the text or attach an image that displays on the transaction header when the transaction is within the budget.

To add an image, store the image in your file cabinet and attach the URL link of the image in this box. The following is an example of the format for entering an image:

                    <img src="" alt=""> 


The account ID and file path in this sample are placeholders. Before using this sample, replace all the placeholders with valid values from your NetSuite account.

Status Message (Exceeds Budget)

Enter the text or attach an image that displays on the transaction header when the transaction exceeds the budget.

To add an image, store the image in your file cabinet and attach the URL link of the image in this box. The following is an example of the format for entering an image:

                    <img src="" alt=""> 


The account ID and file path in this sample are placeholders. Before using this sample, replace all the placeholders with valid values from your NetSuite account.

To create a budget control:

  1. Go to Budgets > Setup > Budget Control > New.

    The Budget Control page opens.

  2. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the budget control.

  3. From the Budget Control Action list, select the action when you exceed the budget.

  4. (Optional) To enable threshold warning: and

    1. Check the Enable Threshold Warning box.

    2. Enter the percentage threshold value in the % Threshold Warning field.

  5. In the Warnings section, update the messages in the appropriate fields.

  6. Click Save.

All custom budgets associated with a budget control record list in the Budgets subtab of the budget control record.

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