Using Multiple Accounts with Run/Debug Configurations in SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm

You can create run/debug configurations to work with multiple accounts in SuiteCloud projects. A run/debug configuration lets you link SDF actions to a project and a specific authentication ID. This way you be more efficient when working with several accounts and SuiteCloud projects.

To use multiple accounts with run/debug configurations:

  1. In WebStorm, select Run > Edit Configurations.... Then, click Add icon and select SuiteCloud.

    The following window is displayed:

    Run/Debug Configurations screen
  2. From the Action dropdown list, select the SDF action the configuration is applied to.

  3. In the Project field, select the project to use the configuration. Use one of the following options:

    • Select an SDF project open in the current WebStorm window icon— to select a SuiteCloud project open in the current WebStorm window.

    • Select an SDF project from your machine icon— to select a SuiteCloud project from your machine.

  4. From the Auth ID dropdown list, select an authentication ID for the configuration.


    Click Additional Configuration icon to open the Account Management window and add an account in your machine.

  5. Depending on your SuiteCloud project type, configure one of the following options.

    • For account customization projects — From the Account Specific Values dropwdown list, select whether to stop the process if the selected project has account-specific values.

    • For SuiteApp projects — Check the Apply Installation Preferences box to use the configuration set up in the files in the InstallationPreferences folder.

  6. In the Before launch section, define whether you want to run some tools or scripts prior to launching the run/debug configuration.

Creating Compound Run/Debug SuiteCloud Configurations in SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm

A compound run configuration lets you launch several run/debug configurations at a time. This can save you time when you need to deploy several SuiteCloud projects at the same time, or apply different actions to a specific SuiteCloud project.


To include different SuiteCloud projects in the same compound configuration, they need to be in the same active window.

To create compound run/debug SuiteCloud configurations:

  1. In WebStorm, select Run > Edit Configurations... Then, click Add icon and select Compound.

    The following window is displayed:

    Run/Debug Configurations window Compound item expanded.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the compound.

  3. Click Add icon and select a run/debug configuration to add to the compound.


    You need to have configured the run/debug configurations beforehand.

  4. Click Apply and OK.

  5. When you have a compound configured, click the Run icon button in WebStorm to run the configuration.

    Run debug area

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