Portugal Account Setup

Setting up an account for an organization doing business in Portugal requires enabling several features and installing additional SuiteApps.

Enabling Features

Some features available in your NetSuite account can be essential for users in Portugal. Enable Company, Accounting, and SuiteCloud features to make your NetSuite account suited to the business requirements in Portugal. For information about the features of a specific product area, see Functional Areas, and check the exact requirements.

If you do not have sufficient permissions to enable features, please contact your account administrator.

To enable features

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features (Administrator).

  2. On the Company subtab, go to the International section, and check the Multi-language and Multiple Currencies boxes.

  3. On the Accounting subtab, go to the Basic Features section, and check the GL Audit Numbering box.

  4. (Optional) On the Accounting subtab, go to the Advanced Features section, and check the Period End Journal Entries and Foreign Currency Variance Mapping boxes.

  5. On the SuiteCloud subtab, enable the desired features on the following sections:

    • SuiteBuilder

    • SuiteScript

    • SuiteGL

    • SuiteFlow

    For more information about SuiteCloud features, see SuiteCloud Features.

  6. If your company is registered for EU One Stop Shop, check the EU One Stop Shop box on the Tax subtab.

  7. Click Save.

Available SuiteApps

Some additional features require installation of a specific SuiteApp. SuiteApps are applications that extend NetSuite for specific industry and business needs. For information about the required SuiteApps for specific product areas, see Functional Areas.

Portugal-specific features are currently available in the following SuiteApps:

International Tax Reports

Taxation Features For Accounts Without SuiteTax

Generates the Portugal VAT Return in English or Portuguese.

If the SuiteTax feature is enabled in your NetSuite account, do not install the International Tax Reports SuiteApp.

Supplementary Tax Calculation

Taxation Features For Accounts Without SuiteTax

Manages EU Reverse charges and supports the calculation of nondeductible input tax. For more information, see Recording Nondeductible Input Tax and Setting Up Tax Codes to Post Notional Tax Amounts. This SuiteApp also supports VAT on prompt payment discounts. For more information, see Recording Tax on Prompt Payment Discount.

If your account has the SuiteTax feature enabled, do not install this SuiteApp.

Tax Audit Files

Taxation Features For Accounts Without SuiteTax

Enables you to generate the PT SAF-T file in XML version 1.03. The SuiteApp also provides the mapping of Portugal GL accounts to PT SAF-T fields, which is required if you are using the Portugal Localization SuiteApp.

If the SuiteTax feature is enabled in your NetSuite account, do not install Tax Audit Files SuiteApp.

Portugal Localization

Taxation Features For Accounts Without SuiteTax

Enables you to generate the PT SAF-T for Accounting in XML version 1.04_1 that you can then submit directly to the Portugal tax authority.

If the SuiteTax feature is enabled in your NetSuite account, and if you do not have a NetSuite OneWorld account, do not install the Portugal Localization SuiteApp.

Enables you to assign a document series identifier to a sales transaction with a Portugal subsidiary. The SuiteApp also automatically generates a Portugal Transaction ID, unique digital signature, and QR code. These document certification elements are also included when generating the PT SAF-T.

GL Matching


Enables account reconciliation for balance sheet accounts. Account types supported by the GL Matching SuiteApp are not limited to Accounts Payables and Accounts Receivables.

To install a SuiteApp:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.

  2. Search the following SuiteApps using their names or their Bundle IDs.

  3. On the Bundle Details page, click Install.

For more information about SuiteApps, see SuiteApps.

For more information about SuiteApps installation, see Installing a Bundle.

General Notices