Saved Search Settings

You can view all the saved searches you have in NetSuite for your Planning and Budgeting. You can use a filter to return more specific saved search results, and you can customize the hierarchy of metadata you want to export in a saved search.

For information, refer to the following help topics:

Customization of Executed Saved Searches

For every saved search you can filter data by how long ago it was created or last updated. For metadata saved searches, you can also customize the hierarchy of metadata you want to export in a saved search.

To customize a saved search:

  1. Log in to NetSuite, and go to Planning & Budgeting > Setup > Saved Search Settings.

    NetSuite displays a list of saved searches.

  2. Click Customize next to a saved search of your choice.

    If you have already customized the saved search, the Edit button is available for you to make any additional changes.

  3. Under the Add–On Filter section, from the Filter dropdown list, select one from the following options:

    • No Filter

    • Created Since N Days Ago

    • Created or Updated Since N Days Ago

    Where N is the number of days in the past to include in the filtering. Specify the number in the Days field.


    Additional information about the saved search filtering include the following:

    • This filtering does not modify the configuration of the created saved searches. It only filters the results of saved searches run in your Planning and Budgeting.

    • You cannot apply this filtering to a default NSPB Sync metadata saved search. For the list of supported metadata saved searches, see Supported Metadata Saved Searches.

  4. If you are customizing a metadata saved search, take any of the actions under the Hierarchy Settings section. Some of the actions may not be applicable to the metadata saved search you are customizing:

    1. Enter a value in the Top Level Parent Value field to customize the top level parent name.

    2. To create your own hierarchy for the metadata saved search, select the column you want to use as the parent from the Alternate Parent Column dropdown list. The default value is Not Set. You can only choose from columns you have added to the saved search with a unique Custom Label value. See step 8 in Creating the Hierarchy of Metadata.

      If you select an alternate parent column, you can expect the following behavior:

      • If you have added columns to the metadata saved search result, the values of the columns are populated with values from one of their children.

      • To import the saved search result correctly to your Planning and Budgeting, make sure the alternate parent column has a unique value for each item.

      • If you remove any predefined column from the metadata saved search result, the saved search output may not be generated properly.

      • If your preferred language differs from your account’s default language, the alternate parent column may not be used when generating the alternate metadata hierarchy.

    3. If you need to run an Import Data/Metadata job with this saved search, and the selected alternate parent column does not have a corresponding counterpart in your Planning and Budgeting, check the Exclude Alternate Parent Column box. This excludes the alternate parent column from the CSV file that will be uploaded to your Planning and Budgeting. If you do not exclude the column, the generated saved search result will not be imported successfully to your Planning and Budgeting.


      You cannot exclude required columns, for example, the Data Storage column. If you attempt to exclude a required column, NSPB Sync ignores the fact that you have checked the box.

    4. Check the Exclude Upper Level Hierarchy Members box, if you do not want to include the upper level member in the hierarchy. This option applies only to the Accounts and Item metadata saved searches.

    5. Enter a value in the Category Prefix field to customize the default category prefix. Make sure the category prefix is unique for each metadata saved search.

    6. To skip running the default metadata saved search and use only data from the customized search, check the Return Hierarchy Based Only on Data in This Search box. For details, see Returning Metadata Hierarchy Based Only on Cloned Saved Search.

  5. If you are customizing a metadata saved search, take any of the following actions under the Parent Level Transaction section. Some of the actions may not be applicable to the metadata saved search you are customizing:

    1. From the Data Storage for Parent Record dropdown list, select the default value for the Data Storage column in the exported metadata saved searches:

      • Never Share – This option sets the value of the Data Storage column for the parent to Never Share.

      • Dynamic Calc – This option sets the value of the Data Storage column for the parent to Dynamic Calc.

      • Store – This option sets the value of the Data Storage column for the parent to Store.

      • Store/Never Share – When the parent has only one child, NSPB Sync sets the value of the Data Storage column to Never Share. Otherwise, the value is set to Store. Also, when you select this option, NSPB Sync does not let you set any filter under the Add–On Filter section.

      Your selection impacts the way data is stored and calculated for the parent in your Planning and Budgeting.


      The default value of the Data Storage column for all child records in all the supported metadata hierarchies is Store.

    2. To change the default prefix or suffix for the member name, do the following:

      1. Enter a value in the Member Name Affix Value field.

      2. From the Custom Affix for Member Name dropdown list, select whether you want to add Member Name Affix Value as Prefix or Suffix.

        If you select the Use Default option, the default P_ prefix is used.

    3. To change the default prefix or suffix for the alias column, do the following:

      1. Enter a value in the Alias Affix Value field.

      2. From the Custom Affix for Alias dropdown list, select whether you want to add Alias Affix Value as Prefix or Suffix.

        If you select the Use Default option, the default Total_ prefix is used.

  6. Under the Sorting section, from the Sort By dropdown list, select the required option for sorting metadata in the saved search result:

    • Sort metadata alphabetically by Alias.

    • Sort metadata alphabetically by Member Name.

    • Sort metadata numerically by Member Internal ID.

    If you do not select any sorting option, the metadata is automatically sorted by Member Internal ID.

    Metadata is sorted on each level of the hierarchy.

  7. Under the Alternate Saved Search section, from the Alternate Saved Search Name dropdown list, select a saved search to substitute for the original saved search. NSPB Sync runs this saved search every time the original saved search is called from Data Exchange.

    If you select an alternate saved search, you can expect the following behavior:

    • The settings of the alternate saved search override the original saved search settings.

    • The alternate saved search is ignored when running a saved search for an Import Data/Metadata job.

    If you use the default Not Set value, the original saved search is run.

  8. Click Save.

Manual Export of Saved Search Metadata

You can manually export metadata from your Planning and Budgeting saved searches, and download the exported metadata to your computer as CSV files. You can then open the files and review the metadata hierarchy.

To export metadata:

  1. Log in to NetSuite, and go to Planning & Budgeting > Setup > Saved Search Settings.

  2. In the list of saved searches, click Download next to a saved search of your choice.

    NetSuite opens a page with the name of the saved search and the status of the manual saved search execution.

    • If you have not run the saved search yet, the Execution section shows the Not Executed status.

    • If you have previously run the saved search, the Execution section shows the following information:

      • The Success or Failure execution status.

      • If the execution was successful:

        • The time stamp reflects the last date and time when you generated the CSV file.

        • The Download Search Results link is available for you to save the file to your computer.

  3. Click Generate to export the latest saved search data as a CSV file.

    When the export is in progress, the Execution section shows Queued or In Progress as the execution status. If the export completes successfully, the Download Search Results link becomes available. The time stamp reflects the date and time when you generated the CSV file.

  4. Click the Download Search Results link to download the exported CSV file to disk.

    You can then open the file, and review the saved search output that will be sent to your Planning and Budgeting on the saved search execution. For metadata saved searches, you can also check the hierarchy of exported metadata. If you want to customize the metadata hierarchy, proceed as described in the help topic Customization of Executed Saved Searches.

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