Activity Logs
If you have the Administrator role, NSPB Sync lets you use NetSuite to view log details of searches called from Data Exchange.
To view the log details, log in to NetSuite, and go to Planning & Budgeting > Jobs > Activity Logs. If NetSuite displays a large number of logs, you can narrow the list by selecting one or more of the following:
The data type, either data or metadata
The search type, either dataset, saved search, or workbook
The title of the search
The page index to determine which pages to display in the list
The default option All lists all data.
To find specific data in the list, you can sort each column in the displayed list of searches by the following characteristics:
The title of the search.
The search or record type.
The total number of records each search contains. The count of records includes the header row.
The execution parameters, as defined for each search in Data Exchange.
The add-on filter that was used to narrow down the results of each search.
See Customization of Executed Saved Searches for saved searches and Customization of Created Datasets for datasets.
The start date and time of each search execution.
The end date and time of each search execution.
The status of each search execution, which is either Success or Error.
The user who last ran each search, as configured in Data Exchange.
The Download link is displayed in the Result File column for successfully executed searches. Clicking the link downloads the CSV file that was sent to Data Exchange when the particular search was run from NetSuite or from Data Exchange. You can open the file and view the data that was sent in this file to Data Exchange.
The Download link is not available in NetSuite for Import Data/Metadata jobs that push data directly to your Planning and Budgeting. You can access the log files of these jobs in your Planning and Budgeting.