Electronic Invoice Processing Errors

The following table lists the e-document processing errors along with their solution. To view any processing errors, go to the E-Document Audit Trail subtab in a transaction record.

Error Code

Message on E-Document Audit Trail



Invoice already exists on the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) portal.

Verify the transaction record and then try again.


The user ID is not registered or signed up for e-invoice.

Enter a valid user ID.

Enter a valid user ID.


Please contact ClearTax help desk.

Contact ClearTax help desk and provide them with the error ID.


An error has occurred when creating the invoice on the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP). Please try again.

Try to send the invoice again.


An error has occurred when validating the invoice on the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP). Please try again.

Please try sending the invoice again.


An error has occurred when cancelling the invoice on the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP). Please try again.

Try to cancel the invoice again.


Could not complete the request due to incomplete request parameters.

Verify the sending method configuration.

Verify the sending method configuration.


The invoice does not belong to the user's GSTIN.

Verify the supplier's or sender's GSTIN and login GSTIN.

Verify the supplier's or sender's GSTIN and login GSTIN.


Incorrect transaction date format. Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.

Verify the transaction date format. It must be in DD/MM/YYYY format.


Invalid Invoice Reference Number (IRN).

Enter the correct IRN.

Enter the correct Invoice Reference Number (IRN).


Could not create IRN. Please try again.

Try to send the e-document again.


Could not sign the invoice. Please try again.

Try to send the e-document.


Invoice details for the requested Invoice Reference Number (IRN) are not available with GSTIN.

Enter a valid IRN.

Enter a valid Invoice Reference Number (IRN) and try again.


Invoice already exists on the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) portal.

Try to send a new invoice.


An invoice with this Invoice Reference Number (IRN) already exists.

Create a new invoice.


Invoice details for the requested Invoice Reference Number (IRN) are not available with GSTIN.

Enter a valid IRN.

Enter a valid Invoice Reference Number (IRN) and try again.


Supplier GSTIN is missing in the e-document.

Enter the supplier GSTIN and try again.

Enter the supplier GSTIN and try again.


Incorrect date format. Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.

Verify the start date format of the transaction. It must be in DD/MM/YYYY format.


Incorrect date format. Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.

Verify the end date format of the transaction. It must be in DD/MM/YYYY format.


Invalid value in the Reverse Charge Applicable field.

If reverse charge is applicable enter Y, else enter N.

If reverse charge is applicable enter Y, else enter Null.


Invalid value in the Document Type field.

Valid values of this field are INV, CRN, and DBN.

Valid values of this field are INV, CRN, and DBN.


Reverse charge is applicable only for B2B invoices.

Verify tax codes and the vendor or customer registration type in the transaction.

Verify tax codes and the vendor or customer registration type in the transaction.


Invalid transaction date.

The transaction date must be older than or same as the current date.

Verify the transaction date in the generated e-document.


Invalid GSTIN.

GSTIN used to log in must match supplier or ecommerce GSTIN.

Verify the login GSTIN. It cannot be the same as the buyer GSTIN.


For deemed exports, buyer GSTIN cannot be Unregistered Person (URP).

Verify supply type code and buyer GSTIN. When supply type is DEXP, buyer GSTIN cannot be URP.

Verify supply type code and buyer GSTIN. When supply type is DEXP, buyer GSTIN cannot be URP.


For intra state transaction IGST Amounts are not applicable for item -{0}1 ,Only Cgst and Sgst Amounts are applicable.

Verify the tax code and tax types in the transaction and the generated e-document.


You have exceeded the maximum number (1000) of line items allowed per invoice.

Verify the number of items in the transaction and the generated e-document. The maximum number of items allowed per invoice is 1000.


For inter state transaction, CGST and SGST Amounts are not applicable for item - {0} 1, only Igst Amounts are Applicable

Verify the tax code and tax types in the transaction and the generated e-document.


Invalid HSN code(s)-{0} 1

Enter a valid HSN code.


Invalid item unit code(s)-{0} 1

Enter a valid item unit code.


Incorrect PIN code.

Enter a valid PIN code.


Invalid (CGGT, IGST, SGST) amount. Check the tax rates.

Verify the tax rates in the transaction record.


For export transaction CGST and SGST Amounts are not allowed for item -{0} 1

Verify the tax code and tax types in the transaction and the generated e-document. For exports, they must be IGST.


Intrastate transaction is not allowed for export transaction

Verify the tax code and tax types in the transaction and the generated e-document. For exports, they must be IGST.


The sum of the taxable value of all the items in the invoice must be equal to the total taxable value.

Verify the accumulated tax basis in the transaction and the generated e-document.


The sum of the SGST value of all the items in the invoice must be equal to the total SGST value.

Verify the accumulated SGST value in the transaction and the generated e-document.


The sum of the CGST value of all the items in the invoice must be equal to the total CGST value.

Verify the accumulated CGST values in the transaction and generated e-document.


The sum of the IGST value of all the items in the invoice must be equal to the total IGST value.

Verify the accumulated IGST value in the transaction and the generated e-document.


The sum of the cess value of all the items in the invoice must be equal to the total cess value.

Verify the accumulated Cess values in the transaction and the generated e-document.


The sum of the state cess value of all the items in the invoice must be equal to the total state cess value.

Check for the accumulated state cess value in the transaction and the generated e-document.


The sum of the non advol cess value of all the items in the invoice must be equal to the total non advol cess value.

Verify the accumulated non advol cess value in the transaction and the generated e-document.


Incorrect total invoice value.

Check for the Total invoice value of the transaction and generated e-document.


The tax type applied in the transaction is incorrect.

Verify the Nature of transaction and tax type in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


Enter original invoice number for credit or debit note transactions.

For debit and credit note transactions, enter the original invoice number.


TotAmt value should be equal to (Qty * UnitPrice) for HSN {0} 1

The formula to calculate total amount of items is Qty * UnitPrice. Verify the calculation.


AssAmt value should be equal to (TotAmt -Discount) for HSN -{0} 1

Verify the tax basis in the transaction and the generated e-document.


Invalid total item value for HSN -{0} 1

Verify the total value in the transaction and the generated e-document.


Invalid ecommerce GSTIN.

Enter a valid GSTIN.


Ecommerce GSTIN is required for ecommerce transactions.

Verify ecommerce GSTIN in the transaction and the generated e-document. GSTIN is required for ecommerce operators.


Invalid HSN.

Verify the HSN code for the item in the transaction and the generated e-document.


Invalid state code {0} 1 in dispatch details or ship details

Verify the state code entered in the location and shipping details in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


Invalid port code.

Verify the port code in the transaction and the generated e-document.


Invalid country code.

Verifythe country code in the transaction and the generated e-document.


Invalid foreign currency.

Verify the currency code in the transaction and the generated e-document.


You must enter Ship To details.

Verify the Ship To details in the transaction or in the generated e-document.


You must enter Dispatch From details.

Verify the Dispatch From details in the transaction or in the generated e-document.


You must enter Export details.

Verify the export details in the transaction or in the generated e-document.


You must enter Ship details and Dispatch details.

Verify the ship and dispatch details in the transaction or in the generated e-document.


You must remove the original invoice number for the invoice type document.

Verify the reference number in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


Supplier GSTIN and buyer GSTIN cannot be the same.

Verify the subsidiary and customer tax registration number in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


The recipient GSTIN cannot be URP for supply type {0} 1

Verify the customer tax registration number in the transaction and the generated e-document.


The supplier GSTIN cannot be URP.

Verify the subsidiary or vendor tax registration number in the transaction and in the generated e-document.

For this supply type, it cannot be Unregistered Person (URP).


GSTIN is required For -{0} 1

Verify the GSTIN in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


PIN Code and State Code are required - {0} 1

Verify the PIN code and state code in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


Trade Name is required -{0} 1

Verify the trade name in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


Location is required -{0} 1

Verify the city in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


Check the transaction date or date format. The date must be in DD/MM/YYYY format and same as the current date.

Verify the transaction date and its format in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


The start date must be older than or same as the end date.

Verify the start date and end date in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


The total discount value cannot be equal to or greater than the total invoice value.

Verify the discount value and transaction total in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


StateCess Rate is incorrect for HSN -{0} 1

Verify the state cess rate in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


StateCess is required for HSN -{0} 1

Verify the state cess in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


Incorrect document date format. Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.

Verify the start date and end date in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


You are not authorized to retrieve details for this Invoice Reference Number (IRN).

Verify the login ID used to retrieve details for the IRN.


SGST and CGST Amounts should be equal for HSN -{0} 1

Verify the CGST and SGST amount for this HSN code in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


Items list cannot be empty.

Verify the items in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


Recipient POS should be other country(96) incase of transaction -{0} 1

Verify the state code of place of supply (POS) in the transaction and in the generated e-document.

If POS lies outside the country, the code is 96.


Cannot cancel the Invoice Reference Number (IRN) because E-Way Bill for this invoice has already been generated.

To cancel the IRN, cancel the E-Way Bill.

Cancel the E-Way Bill and then try to cancel the IRN.


Cannot generate the e-document because registration type of the supplier GSTIN is SEZ.

Verify the supplier registration type and the GSTIN in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


POS should be other country(code: 96 ) for {0} 1 transaction

Verify the state code of place of supply (POS) in the transaction and in the generated e-document.

If POS lies outside the country, the code is 96.


You cannot have duplicate item serial numbers.

Verify the serial number of the items in the generated e-document.


Invalid SGST and CGST Amounts for HSN -{0} 1.

Verify the CGST and SGST amount for this HSN code in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


IGST amount given with HSN -{0} 1 is Invalid

Verify the IGST amount for this HSN code in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


In case of export transactions, the ‘Ship-To’ address should be of the place or port from where the goods are being exported.

Verify the shipping details in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


CGST and SGST amounts are not applicable because the buyer is registered under SEZ.

Verify the customer tax registration type and the tax types in the transaction.


Quantity is required for HSN -{0} 1

Verify or enter quantity for this HSN code in the transaction.


Unit is required for HSN -{0} 1

Verify or enter item unit for this HSN code in the transaction.


Invalid GST rate for HSN -{0} 1

Verify the GST rate for this HSN code in the transaction.


Enter CGST and SGST amounts because this is an intrastate transaction.

Verify the tax types and classification of supply for this HSN code in the transaction.


Recipient POS should not be Other Country(code -96) incase of transaction type {0} 1

Verify the place of supply in the transaction and the generated e-document.


POS should be valid state for {0} 1 transaction

Verify the place of supply’s state code in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


Recipient PIN code is required for transaction -{0} 1

Verify the PIN code for this transaction.


For B2B transactions, the POS and Shipping_To_State_Code must be the same.

Verify the state code of shipping details and place of supply in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


Recipient cannot be SEZ for - {0} 1 transaction

Verify for the Customer registration type, this cannot be SEZ.


Recipient should be SEZ for transaction {0} 1

Verify that the customer registration type is SEZ for this transaction.


For exports, the buyer type must be URP.

Verify the following:

  • Customer Registration Type – Unregistered

  • GSTIN – URP.


For interstate transaction, the supply cannot contain both goods and services.

Verify the subsidiary state, place of supply, and the India tax nature of items in the transaction.

Verify the following:

  • India tax nature of items in a transaction cannot be both goods and services.

  • Place of Supply

  • Subsidiary State.


To generate an E-Way Bill, at least one item in the invoice must be of type Goods.

Verify that the India tax nature of at least of the items is Goods.


Cannot generate an e-way bill for the document types: debit note, credit note, and services.

Verify the transaction type and India tax nature of items in the transaction.

E-Way Bill is not applicable for the following:

  • Transaction Type – Debit Note and Credit Note.

  • India Tax Nature – Services.


When the transportation mode is road, vehicle number and type are required.

When transportation mode is road, vehicle type and number are required fields. Verify in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


When the transportation mode is other than road, transport document number and date are required.

When transportation mode is other than road, vehicle type and number are required fields. Verify in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


The requested payload is empty.

Verify the requested payload and try again.


Invalid login credentials.

Verify the login credentials and try again.


State code in supplier tax registration number and address do not match.

Verify that the state code in the transaction matches with the code in the tax registration number of the subsidiary or supplier.


Invalid supplier state code

Verify the subsidiary’s or supplier’s state code in the transaction and the generated e-document.


Invalid buyer state code

Verify the customer’s or vendor’s state code in the transaction and the generated e-document.


Recipient state code should be other country(code: 96 ) for {0} 1 transaction

Verify that the customer state code selected is 96 when the customer’s location lies outside the country.


When IGST is applicable on an intrastate transaction, the supplier state code and POS must be same.

Verify the following in the transaction and in the generated e-document:

  • If IGST is applicable.

  • Tax types

  • State code of the supplier and place of supply.


Invalid value in the IGSTonIntra field.

Valid values of this field are Y and N.

Verify that the value of the field is either Y or N in the generated e-document.


The sum of the other charges of all the items in the invoice must be equal to the total other charges.

Verify that the sum of the other charges of all the items in the invoice is equal to the total Other Charges.


State code in customer tax registration number and address do not match.

Verify that the state code in the address matches with the code in the tax registration number of the subsidiary or customer.


Cess amount given with HSN -{0}1 is invalid

Verify the cess amount for this HSN code.


State Cess amount given with HSN -{0} 1 is Invalid

Verify the state cess amount for this HSN code.


An error occurred when creating E-Way Bill. Please resend again.

Verify the EWBDTLS section in the e-document and send again.


E-way bill for this IRN already exists.

E-Way Bill is already generated.


Cannot find the requested Invoice Reference Number (IRN) details.

Verify the IRN requested for and try again.


An error occurred when retrieving E-Way Bill. Please try again.

Try to retrieve the E-Way Bill details again.


Cannot find the requested E-Way Bill details.

Verify the IRN for which E-Way Bill is requested and the E-Way Bill status.


Requesting parameter cannot be empty.

Verify the payload and try again.


Cannot find the requested E-Way Bill details.

Verify the IRN for which E-Way Bill is requested and the E-Way Bill status.


Invalid E-Way Bill number.

Verify the E-Way Bill number.


To generate an E-Way Bill, at least one item in the invoice must be of type Goods.

Verify the India tax nature of the items in the transaction. At least one of them must be of type Goods.


Cannot generate an E-Way Bill for the document types: debit note, credit note, and services.

Verify the transaction type and India tax nature of items in the transaction.

E-Way Bill is not applicable for the following:

  • Transaction Type – Debit Note and Credit Note.

  • India Tax Nature – Services.


When the transportation mode is Road, vehicle number and type are required.

When transportation mode is road, vehicle type and number are required fields. Verify in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


When the transportation mode is other than road, transport document number and date are required.

Verify the following in the transaction and in the generated e-document:

  • Transportation Mode

  • Transport Doc No.

  • Transport Date .

    When transportation mode is other than road, transport document number and date are required fields.


The distance between the pin codes of the subsidiary and the customer is greater than the acceptable limit.

Verify the subsidiary’s and customer’s PIN code and also the distance between them.


Invalid vehicle number.

Verify the vehicle number in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


EWayBill will not be generated for blocked User -{0} 1

Make sure the user that is logged in the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) is not blocked on the E-Way Bill portal.


The transport document date cannot be later than the current date.

Verify the transport document date in the transaction and in the generated e-document. The date cannot be later than the current date.


Incorrect date format. Enter the date in DD/MM/YYYY format.

Verify the date and its format in the transaction and the generated e-document. The date must be in DD/MM/YYYY format.


Invalid transporter ID.

Verify the Transporter ID in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


To generate Part A of E-Way Bill, enter the transporter ID.

Verify the Transporter ID in the transaction and in the generated e-document. This field is required for generating Part A of the E-Way Bill.


Invalid vehicle type. Valid values of vehicle type are O and R.

Verify that the Vehicle Type field value is set to either Regular or ODC in the transaction and the generated e-document.


The transporter's document date cannot be older than the invoice date.

Verify that the Transport Date is not older than the invoice date in the transaction and in the generated e-document.


When the transportation mode is Road, vehicle number and type are required.

Verify that Vehicle Type and Vehicle No. are present in the transaction and in the generated e-document.

These are required fields when transportation mode is Road.


When transportation mode is other than road, transport document date is required.

Verify that Transport Date in present the transaction and in the generated e-document.

This is a required field when transportation mode is not Road.


When transportation mode is other than road, the vehicle type must not be ODC.

Verify that the vehicle type is not ODC in the transaction and the generated e-document when transportation mode is not road.


Invalid user ID.

Verify the user ID and try again.


Duplicate EwayBill for document number - ({0} 1)

Verify the E-Way Bill details for this the document number.


To generate Part A of E-Way Bill, provide transporter ID.

Verify the Transporter ID in the transaction and in the generated e-document. This field is required to generate Part A of the e-way bill.


Enter the transport mode.

Verify the Transportation Mode and try again. This field is required if Vehicle Number or Transport Doc No. is present in the transaction.

{0}1 – These are variables that will display data corresponding to the error message such as document number, HSN Code, or the transaction ID. .

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