Use Case For Creating Your Sales Order
There are two ways you can create a sales order:
Create a Sales Order from an Estimate
To create a sales order from an existing estimate, use the transform function in the REST API:
POST {{REST_SERVICES}}/record/v1/estimate/{{ESTIMATE_ID}}/!transform/salesOrder
This function takes an estimate with an ID of {{ESTIMATE_ID}}
and transforms it into a sales order. You can also specify in the body of the request which fields you want to change during the transformation.
POST {{REST_SERVICES}}/record/v1/estimate/{{ESTIMATE_ID}}/!transform/salesOrder
"memo": "Transformed Estimate to Sales Order!"
Create a New Stand-Alone Sales Order
In the Basic Sales Order example, you can create a sales order without filling in the details of the other fields.
The system automatically calculates many fields in the sales order based on the value of the entity
The transaction Date (or tranDate in REST) is the creation date of the sales order. If you leave the field blank, it defaults to the current date.
For a complete list of fields you can populate on a sales order, see the Sales Order Records Browser.
Use the Custom Form field (customform in REST) to determine what type of record the system creates after you bill a sales order. For more information about the custom form field, see Creating Sales Orders.
Custom Form Types include:
Standard Sales Order
Standard Sales Order -Cash Sale
Standard Sales Order -Invoice
Standard Sales Order -Progress Billing
POST {{REST_SERVICES}}/record/v1/salesOrder
Basic Sales Order
"entity": {
"id": "110"
"item": {
"items": [
"item": {
"id": 98
"quantity": 1
More Complicated Sales Order
"entity": {
"id": "110"
"customForm": "68",
"tranDate": "2020-6-15",
"otherrefnum": "11037",
"memo": "This is a test memo!",
"item": {
"items": [
"item": {
"id": 98
"quantity": 1,
"Description": "Test Item"
Related Topics
- Sales Order Use Cases
- Use Case For Applying a Promotion to Your Sales Order
- Use Case For Retrieving Your Sales Order
- Use Case For Updating Your Sales Order
- Use Case For Approving Your Sales Order
- Use Case For Fulfilling Your Sales Order
- Use Case For Creating Invoices or Cash Sales from Your Sales Order
- Use Case For Creating a Progress Sales Order
- Use Case For Deleting a Sales Order