Center Categories as XML Definitions

You can create and manage custom center categories in a NetSuite account by creating a centercategory object in a SuiteCloud project and deploying the project to a target account. Additionally, you can import center categories from a NetSuite account into a SuiteCloud project.

You can add custom categories to either standard, built-in NetSuite tabs or custom tabs. After creating custom categories for standard tabs or custom tabs, you can then add links to each category. Center links can take users to NetSuite pages, custom records, Suitelets, or external websites. For more information about center links, see Creating Center Links, centerlink, and link.

The following example shows a custom centercategory object that makes the custcentercategory_custom center category available in the custcentertab_custom center tab. The LIST_ACTIVITY link appears on the custcentercategory_custom center category and takes users to the Activity List page within NetSuite:

          <centercategory scriptid="custcentercategory_custom">
      <label>My Custom Center Category</label>
            <linklabel>Activity List</linklabel>


In addition to center categories, you can create and manage the following objects in SDF:

Known Limitations of Custom Center Translations in SDF

The following are known limitations of custom center translations in SDF:

  • If the Label field for the custom center link is left blank for the default company language, validation fails in the SDF XML definition. In the SDF XML definition, if the field is blank, NetSuite cannot insert the core string translation of the object referenced by the Custom Center link. For centerlink SDF custom object fields, see centerlink.

  • When installing or deploying a SuiteCloud project or SuiteApp on the target account, the XML definition uses the translation of the company default language. If the XML definition does not contain a translation for the company default language, the XML definition uses the default company language defined in the translation collection XML definition. The language setting of the person performing the import is not used.

For more information about center categories, see:

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General Notices