Project Task Records

After creating a project record and a project folder is available in Oracle Content, you can now create a project task record.

Creating a Project Task Record

To create a project task record, follow the guidelines and procedures in the help topic Creating a Project Task Record.


For the Name field, refer to Unsupported Symbols in Oracle Content Folder Names for guidelines. Unsupported characters used in NetSuite record names are replaced with underscores (_) within the name of the generated Oracle Content folder.

When you create a project task record, a corresponding folder is automatically created in Oracle Content. All automatically generated project task folders follow a naming convention of <ProjectID>_Task_<ProjectTaskName>.

Viewing Oracle Content Documents of a Project Task Record

To view Oracle Content Documents of a project task record:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Projects.

  2. Click the View link of the project record.

  3. On the Schedule subtab, click the link to the project task record.

  4. On the Project Task page, click the Documents subtab.

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