Reference Number Calculation

Calculation of the Invoice Reference Number (Viitenumero in Finland) on the Invoice, which matches open invoices to payments. The calculation uses the modulus 10 algorithm.

To calculate Invoice Reference Number:

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Localization Settings.

  2. Click Edit on the record of your subsidiary.

  3. To enable the Invoice Reference Number creation on Sales Orders, Invoices, and Credit Memos, in the Viitenumero Calculation section, check the Invoice Viitenumero Enabled box.

  4. To retain existing Reference Number on imported invoices, check the Exclude imported invoices from reference number creation box.

  5. (Optional) You can set Field ID on the Exclude from reference number calculation if content in field (field scriptID) field to identify a custom or standard NetSuite field which invoices should retain old reference number (in case invoices are entered from UI).

  6. Reference number can be calculated using the following options:

    • Document Number

    • Transaction Number (additional number available)

    • Document Number + Customer ID

    • Transaction Number + Customer ID

    • Customer ID

  7. Any suffix or prefix characters must be excluded from the reference number calculations. Enter the number of a prefix and suffix characters which are excluded in the respective fields. For example, if the Invoice Number is INV00003, enter 3 in the Length of Document Number Suffix.

  8. Click Save to save the changes

The calculated Invoice Number is set on the eInvoice subtab, on transactions (Transactions > Sales > Create Invoices), and it is exposed in the Finnish Invoice Layout when displayed.

If an invoice has a flag in the Invoice for Factoring field:

Invoice Reference number

Formula: (Factoring Seller Identification * 1,000,000,000) + Document Number. At the end of the number, the check digit is appended (no arithmetical action).

Factoring Seller Identification = 49711

Document Number = 8701

Check digit – 9

Invoice Reference Number without last digit = 49711 * 1,000,000,000 + 8701 = 49711000008701

Final reference number = 497110000087019 (having appended 9)

Invoice Reference Number is calculated upon saving an invoice, on the eInvoice subtab.

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General Notices