Linking Custom Transaction Forms
A specific transaction form can be used in SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) when one transaction is transformed into another transaction. For the list of valid transformations, see Supported Transformation Types.
You can control which custom transaction form is used by defining the linkedForms
element on a transactionForm
SDF custom object. The linkedForms
element corresponds to the Linked Forms subtab in the NetSuite UI.
Linking transaction forms as chains is a way to mirror your business workflow. For information about linking transaction forms in NetSuite, see Linking Transaction Forms.
To link custom transaction forms in SDF, specify the following fields for each linkedForm
field group:
form -specifies the form, which can be one of the following:
A standard transaction form. For example:
For a list of possible values, see transactionform_standard.
A reference to the script ID for a custom transaction form. For example:
type -specifies the transaction type for the form, which can be one of the following:
The transaction type for the custom transaction form. For example:
For a list of possible values, see transactionform_trantype.
A reference to the script ID for a custom transaction type. For example:
For information about the available fields a custom transaction type, see customtransactiontype.
The following code sample defines linked transaction forms in a custom purchase order:
<transactionForm scriptid="custform_10336" standard="STANDARDPURCHASEORDER">
<name>Custom Purchase Order</name>
The preceding code sample defines a linkedForms
field group that specifies NetSuite to:
Use the
standard transaction form when converting aPURCHASEORDER
transaction. -
Use the
custom transaction form when converting aPURCHASEORDER
Related Topics
- Transaction Forms as XML Definitions
- Supported Custom Transaction Form Objects
- Adding Custom Transaction Forms to Your SuiteCloud Project
- Custom Transaction Form Use Cases
- Custom Transaction Form Format
- Custom Transaction Form Validation
- Limitations for Custom Transaction Forms
- Custom Transaction Form Field Examples
- Custom Transaction Form Example