Customer-Scheduled Maintenance

NetSuite now gives you the opportunity to reschedule some types of planned maintenance for your account to a date and time that works best for your organization. Over the next several major releases, many maintenance types will be made available to reschedule.


The Customer-Scheduled Maintenance feature requires View permissions and only an administrator, or another user with Set Up Company permission can use it.

For more information, watch the video.

About the Customer-Scheduled Maintenance Page

When you receive a notification that a maintenance type that can be rescheduled has been scheduled for your account, you will have the opportunity to reschedule the date and time of the maintenance.

Reschedule a Maintenance

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Customer-Scheduled Maintenance and select Reschedule beside the maintenance you want to reschedule.

  2. In the popup window, select a new date, start time, and justification for changing for the selected maintenance, then click Reschedule.


    You will notice that some dates and times are greyed out, because there is a conflicting maintenance that cannot be rescheduled. You can choose from any date and time that you are able to select in the Reschedule popup calendar.

Customer-Scheduled Maintenance has a limited number of timeslot openings available. If the Oracle NetSuite scheduled date/time is not optimal for you, you may select an alternative date/time from the available timeslot openings.

If you elect to reschedule the maintenance, please select your alternative timeslot carefully as Oracle NetSuite does not validate the suitability of the new date/time and is not responsible for any impact to your business.

After you have rescheduled your maintenance, the new date and time for that maintenance are reflected on the Customer-Scheduled Maintenance page. The update happens automatically, and no approvals are required.

You can reschedule a maintenance as many times as required up until 72 hours before the scheduled maintenance time. At this point, the maintenance schedule is locked and no further changes can be made to the planned maintenance. To see the rescheduling history for the planned maintenance, select Show rescheduling history under the new start date and time.

Maintenance Statuses Explained

Users with the Administrator role receive email reminders about maintenance. The table describes each status you might encounter.




Important maintenance must be performed on your account. The maintenance has been scheduled for a date and time that is least disruptive to your business operations, but you can reschedule if necessary.


Maintenance has been rescheduled for one of the following reasons:

  • An administrator for your account has chosen a different date and time for the maintenance.

  • Oracle NetSuite must move the date and time of the maintenance because it conflicts with other important maintenance that is scheduled to be performed on your account.


Maintenance has been canceled due to an internal issue. The maintenance will be rescheduled when the issue is resolved.


Oracle NetSuite has approved an exception requested by an administrator for your account to cancel the maintenance. The maintenance will be rescheduled for a future date and time.

Rolled Back

Some tasks could not be completed during the maintenance. The maintenance changes have been reversed, and your account has been reset to its previous state before the maintenance began. No data was lost. You can continue to use your account, and the maintenance will be rescheduled for a future date and time.


The maintenance is taking longer than expected to complete. You will be notified when the maintenance is complete.


The maintenance has completed successfully.

Types of Customer-Scheduled Maintenance

The following table describes the maintenances that are currently available for rescheduling. Additional maintenances are targeted to be available for rescheduling in the future.



Supported Account Type

More Information

Routine Maintenance

Bug fixes and minor enhancements to improve your NetSuite experience.


Customer-Scheduled Maintenance FAQ

NetSuite Pre-upgrade Maintenance

Preparation activities for the NetSuite Version Upgrade



Customer-Scheduled Maintenance FAQ

NetSuite Version Upgrade

Introduces new features and improvements to NetSuite.


This maintenance is currently only available to customers with accounts in data centers built on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.



NetSuite Version Upgrade FAQ

For more information, read the Release Notes.

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