Limitations of Using the Bank Feeds SuiteApp


Not every financial institution connection experience is the same and not all financial institutions can be accessed, or accessed reliably, using the Bank Feeds SuiteApp. Several factors may affect whether the Bank Feeds SuiteApp will be able to establish and sustain a connection with your financial institutions, including factors outside of NetSuite's control.

In addition, only select bank or payment accounts are supported by the Bank Feeds SuiteApp. Selecting an unsupported account type such as a loan, mortgage, and investment may not apply to your bank feeds setup.

To see a list of things to consider, including prerequisites for using the Bank Feeds SuiteApp to connect to your financial institution, see the Important Things to Note section of Setting Up Bank Feeds Integration.

When using the Bank Feeds SuiteApp, keep in mind the following limitations:

U.S. and Canada Bank Feeds Integration

When integrating U.S. and Canada bank feeds in NetSuite, the SuiteApp primarily focuses on catering to small and medium-sized companies only. Thus, it can only support a maximum of 20 accounts (regardless of type), 10,000 transactions, or a combination thereof per unique login credential for a financial institution. Connecting to financial institutions that exceed the maximum limitations per unique login credential may eventually result in performance degradation and time out errors. If you have more than 20 accounts for a login credential and you need to connect more than 20 accounts to NetSuite, work with your bank to distribute access across multiple credentials. For example, if you have 30 accounts in one bank, an ideal set up would be three bank login credentials with 10 accounts each.


As of version 22.1.0, the maximum 20 accounts limitation does not apply when connecting a financial institution that uses open banking technology. However, it is preferred not to exceed 10,000 transactions per import to maintain performance.

If the financial institution you want to connect exceeds the current limitation, you should use the following SuiteApps instead:

Europe and Other Countries Bank Feeds Integration

The SuiteApp enables you to connect a maximum of 100 financial institution connections and link 450 accounts for all financial institution connections.


The authorized Account Information Service Provider (AISP) of NetSuite takes a maximum of 20 minutes to retrieve bank data from a financial institution. However, the response time of a financial institution to the AISP can affect the bank data retrieval process.

For example, when the financial institution takes more than 20 minutes to provide bank and credit card information to the AISP. In this scenario, import errors may occur, or not all bank transactions are imported into NetSuite because the bank retrieval exceeded 20 minutes.

To avoid performance degradation, you should not configure a bank data import that exceeds 10,000 transactions. If an import process reaches the transaction limit, the remaining transactions are imported on the next scheduled or manually initiated import. To manually initiate the system to import bank transactions, see Updating Imported Bank Feeds Data.

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