User Interface of SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code
SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a custom extension that can be installed in VS Code. After you install the extension, NetSuite actions are available through the Command Palette. For more information, see The Command Palette in SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code. Additionally, some actions can also be performed using the context menu by right-clicking the relevant file or folder.

Element |
Description |
1 Project structure |
In the left hand-side menu, you can see the structure of your SuiteCloud project. To create a SuiteCloud project, see Creating a SuiteCloud Project in SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code. |
2 Editor area |
In the editor area, you can edit the files and SDF custom objects of your SuiteCloud project. |
3 Status bar |
The status bar shows the active project name and its authentication ID. It also allows you to control the actions for the default authentication ID: switching between existing auth IDs or creating a new auth ID, and setting an auth ID as the default one. If the project does not have an auth ID, the status bar shows a shortcut to the Set Up Account command. The status bar also displays the progress of all NetSuite actions. |
4 SDF logs |
SDF logs display details related to any NetSuite action you perform on your SuiteCloud project. For example, when you run the list objects action, in SDF logs you can read a comprehensive list of SDF custom objects found in your account. |
5 SuiteCloud notifications |
SuiteCloud notifications give you information about the success or errors encountered while performing any NetSuite action. |