Navigating the Project A/P – A/R Summary Page

You can view a summary project-related payable and receivable transactions per subsidiary from the Project A/P – A/R Summary page. From this page, you can also navigate to the Bill Payment page where you can pay bills associated with a vendor.

Refer to the following image and table to know more about the Project A/P – A/R Summary page.

Project A/P – A/R Summary page.






This field lets you select a subsidiary so you can view projects that have A/P and A/R balances in that subsidiary.

The subsidiary associated with your account is selected by default.



This field shows the currency of the subsidiary.

This field is only available if the Multiple Currencies feature is enabled. For more information on the Multiple Currencies feature, see Multiple Currencies.


Bank Information

This section lets you display the available balance in the selected bank account.

You can only select from bank accounts available in the selected subsidiary.


The available balance in the bank account is always displayed in the currency of the subsidiary, regardless of the bank account currency.



This section lets you filter the search results by project, project status, or both. The results are filtered by all projects and all project statuses by default.



This section shows the A/P and A/R balances of projects that have outstanding payables and receivables.


Fully paid transactions are not included in the results.

This section has the following columns:

  • View – This column contains a link for you to view information about the project in detail. Click the View link to open the Project A/P – A/R Details page. For more information, see Navigating the Project A/P – A/R Details Page.

  • Customer – This column shows the customer of projects that have outstanding A/P or A/R balances. Click the customer name to open the customer record in a new tab.

  • Project & Vendor – This column shows the projects in the subsidiary that have outstanding A/P or A/R balances. You can do the following from this column:

    • Click the expand icon beside the project name to show vendors under the project that have outstanding payable balances.

    • Click the project name to open the project record in a new tab.

    • Click the vendor name to open the vendor record in a new tab.

  • Cur. – This column shows the currency of the subsidiary.


    Transaction amounts in other currencies are automatically converted and are shown in the currency of the subsidiary.

    This column is only available if the Multiple Currencies feature is enabled. For more information on the Multiple Currencies feature, see Multiple Currencies.

  • A/P Balance – This column shows the payable balance for a project and the payable balance for each of the vendors in the project.

    The amount shown in bold font at the project level in the A/P Balance column is the total payable balance for the project. Applied bill credit amounts are included in the A/P balance calculation.

    You can do the following from the A/P Balance column:

    • Click the expand icon beside the project name to show the vendors under the project. This shows the payable balances of each vendor under the project in the A/P Balance column.


      The results include only vendor bills that have a status of Open.

    • Click the A/P balance amount next to the vendor name to open the Bill Payment page in a new tab. You can pay the bills associated with the vendor from the Bill Payment page.

  • A/R Balance – This column shows the total receivable balance for a project. Credit memos are included in the receivable balance calculation.

  • A/P -A/R Nett – This column shows the amount remaining after the A/P balance is deducted from the A/R balance.

    • When the receivable amount is greater than the payable amount, the text is green.

    • When the payable amount is greater than the receivable amount, the text is red and enclosed in parenthesis.

    • When the payable amount is equal to the receivable amount, the text is black.

  • Proj. Status – This column shows the status and progress of projects. Project statuses can be set up by creating accounting lists. For more information, see Setting Up Accounting Lists.


The number of collapsed rows shown on the search results table is dependent on the Number Of Rows In List Segments user preference. For more information on setting the preference, see General Personal Preferences. You can display a maximum of 25 collapsed rows per page.

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