Setting Up Collapsible Rows on the Balance Sheet

On an existing Japanese Balance Sheet, you can set up collapsible rows of the accounts, which saves space when the balance sheet is displayed on the page.

To Set Up Collapsible Rows on a Japanese Balance Sheet:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types > Japan Balance Sheet Reports > List.

  2. On the Japan Balance Sheet Reports List page, click the Edit link of the balance sheet that you want to set up collapsible rows on.

  3. On the Japan Balance Sheet Reports page, in the Collapsible Rows field, select the accounts whose rows you want to be collapsible.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Go to Reports > Financial > Japanese Balance Sheet.

  6. In the Balance Sheet Name field, select the balance sheet that you set up collapsible rows on.

  7. Click Refresh.

    The Japanese Balance Sheet is displayed with collapsible rows for the accounts you selected.

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