Creating a Financial Institution Connectivity Plug-in Script File

You must implement each Financial Institution Connectivity Plug-in interface function in a JavaScript file (with a .js extension) to define the behavior of the plug-in implementation. You can use the SuiteCloud IDE or another JavaScript IDE or text editor to create the plug-in script file.

The following sample implements a Financial Institution Connectivity Plug-in that returns static data using the N/search SuiteScript module in the plug-in implementation script file:


For details on the N/search SuiteScript module, see N/search Module.

 * @NApiVersion 2.x
 * @NScriptType fiConnectivityPlugin
 * @NModuleScope SameAccount
    function (search)

        // internal function used to load configuration for this plug-in from a custom record
        function loadConfiguration(configurationId)
            var searchResults = search.create({
                type: 'customrecord_sampleconfig',
                filters: [{
                    name: 'custrecord_configurationid',
                    operator: 'is',
                    values: [configurationId]
            return{start: 0, end: 1});

        function getConfigurationIFrameUrl(context)
            var configurationId = context.pluginConfiguration.getConfigurationFieldValue({fieldName: "configuration_id"});
            context.configurationIFrameUrl = "/app/site/hosting/" + configurationId;

        function getAccounts(context)
            var configurationId = context.pluginConfiguration.getConfigurationFieldValue({fieldName: "configuration_id"});
            var configuration = loadConfiguration(configurationId)
                accountMappingKey: "12345",
                displayName: "Checking (XXXX11)",
                accountType: "BANK",
                currency: "USD",
                groupName: "Bank of America",
                lastUpdated: "2020-06-30T01:23:45"

        function getTransactionData(context)
            var configurationId = context.pluginConfiguration.getConfigurationFieldValue({fieldName: "configuration_id"});
            var configuration = loadConfiguration(configurationId)
            var accountRequests = JSON.parse(context.accountRequestsJSON);
            if (accountRequests != null) {
                accountRequests.forEach(function (accountRequest) {
                    var accountId = accountRequest.accountMappingKey;
                    var fromDateTime = accountRequest.dataStartTime;
                    var toDateTime = accountRequest.dataEndTime;

                    var downloadedData = "... Retrieve the account data using a web service request or a file transfer...";

                    context.addDataChunk({dataChunk: downloadedData});
            context.returnAccountRequestsJSON({accountsJson: context.accountRequestsJSON});

        return {
            getConfigurationIFrameUrl: getConfigurationIFrameUrl,
            getAccounts: getAccounts,
            getTransactionData: getTransactionData


For details and breakdowns of the sample, see Financial Institution Connectivity Plug-in Interface Definition.

Guidelines for Creating a Plug-in Implementation Script File

Use the following guidelines when creating the plug-in implementation script file:

Related Topics

General Notices