Item Collection Item Map Import

The Item Collection Item Map record captures which items are part of which static item collection. You can create Item Collection Item Map records using the CSV Import Assistant.

To create a static item collection using CSV Import, you must complete the following steps:


You cannot update an Item Collection Item Map record. To change the relationship between item collections and items, you must add new Item Collection Item Map records for the new relationships and then delete the existing, outdated records.

The Item Collection record and the Item Collection-Item Map record work together to define the items in an item collection.


The Item Collection-Item Map record is a standalone record. It is not a sub-list of the Item Collection record.

For more information about the Item Collection record, see Item Collection Import.

For more information about item collections, see Item Collections.

In the user interface, you add items to the Item Collection record at Lists > Accounting > Item Collections > New.

Item Collection Item Map Fields

The Import Assistant supports the fields External ID, Item and Item Collection. The value in the Item Collection field links the items in the Item Collection—Item Map record with the related Item Collection record. You can use either the name, External ID, or Internal ID of the item collection in the Item Collection field. If you use External ID or Internal ID, you must select it as the reference type in the Field Mapping step of the Import Assistant. For details on how to do this, see Select Reference Types.

For details about fields that can be mapped in this record, see the SOAP Schema Browser’s item account mapping reference page. You can use the field definitions here as a basis for creating your own CSV import template file. For information about working with the SOAP Schema Browser, see SOAP Schema Browser.

For help working with this record in the user interface, see Item Collections.

Item Collection Item Map CSV File Example

The following table shows how you might format your CSV file when importing Item Collection—Item Map mapping records. In this example, the External ID of the item collection is used to identify it. Note that because this record has no sublist, you always use a single CSV file for the import.

External ID


Item Collection


Ergonomic Keyboard



Upright Mouse



RSA Key Fob


The Import Assistant is available at Setup > Import/Export > Import Tasks > Import CSV Records. After you select the record type for import, you choose the import character encoding. For more information, see Select a Record Type for Import and Choose Import Character Encoding.

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