Custom Entity Fields as XML Definitions

You can create XML definitions for custom entity fields as SDF custom objects using SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF). You can either create an entitycustomfield object in a SuiteCloud project or import a custom entity field from a NetSuite account into a SuiteCloud project. For information about creating a custom entity field in a NetSuite account, see the following:

You can add custom entity fields to your entity records to gather information specific to your business needs. Entity custom fields can be added to existing and custom subtabs on the entry forms you use to enter entity records in a NetSuite account.

After an entitycustomfield object is deployed to an account, a custom entity field is created. The field appears on the entity records that you applied the object to.

Setting Values on the entitycustomfield SDF Custom Object

Provide a readable script ID attribute by using the underscore followed by a meaningful name for the SDF custom object. NetSuite automatically adds a custentity prefix that indicates the type of field, for example, custentity_mynewfield.

The following fields are required for entitycustomfield objects:

  • label - Specifies the label for the custom field. The label is the text that your users see as the name of the custom field when it is displayed on the record.

  • fieldtype - Specifies the type of custom field. For more information about the possible values of fieldtype, see generic_customfield_fieldtype.

  • selectrecordtype (conditional) - Specifies the list or record that contains the items for the custom field. This field is required only when the fieldtype value is equal to SELECT or MULTISELECT.

The following XML definition example is a basic entitycustomfield object with the required fields:

            <entitycustomfield scriptid="custentity_mynewfield">
    <label>SAMPLE ENTITYFIELD</label>


For more information about possible fields for entitycustomfield objects, see entitycustomfield.

If you include any SDF custom objects, files, or scripts in your fields, you must define the dependencies for them in your SuiteCloud project's manifest. For more information, see SDF Custom Object Dependencies in SuiteApps.

To index a custom field to be included in global search, set the globalsearch field value to T. The globalsearch field can equal to T only if the following field conditions are met:

  • storevalue equals to T

  • fieldtype equals to one of the following:


    • FLOAT

    • EMAIL

    • TEXT

    • HELP

    • URL




    • PHONE



You cannot index a custom field for global search if any of your searchlevel field values equal to 0.

Embedding Structured Fields Within an entitycustomfield SDF Custom Object

You can create custom filters for your custom field by embedding customfieldfilter structured fields within the entitycustomfield SDF custom object. You can also customize the default access that a role has to the custom field by embedding roleaccess structured fields within the object.

For more information about the possible fields to define for these structured fields, see the following:

To view a full XML definition example for an entitycustomfield object, see Example of an entitycustomfield SDF Custom Object.

Custom Field Filters

You can add custom field filters to a list/record or multiple select custom field to filter the choices available in that custom field on records and transactions. In SDF, you can use custom field filters by embedding customfieldfilter structured fields within a custom field object.


Filtering can apply only when the fieldtype value of your custom field object is equal to SELECT or MULTISELECT. It does not apply to custom lists, meaning if you include customfieldfilter structured fields, your selectrecordtype value cannot equal a custom list scriptid.

customfieldfilters is the parent element and customfieldfilter is the child element. You can include multiple customfieldfilter child elements within the parent.

The fldfilter subfield specifies a standard field on the list/record that you entered for the selectrecordtype field. The fldfilter subfield is required. For more information about the supported fields and values for customfieldfilter structured fields, see customfieldfilter.

When an object with a customfieldfilter structured field is deployed to a target account, the Sourcing & Filtering subtab of the custom field record is populated with the field values specified by the structured field. The choices available to users in a record or transaction for that custom field are tailored by the filter settings from the structured field.

Here is an example of a custom item field configuration page in NetSuite with filters set for the field:

Custom Item Field page With Name filter highlighted.

If you change the field type or the list/record for a field that is used for sourcing or filtering on other custom fields, all sourcing and filtering based on the field is removed.

Additionally, you can define custom field filters in NetSuite. For more information, see Setting Filtering Criteria.

Example of a customfieldfilter Structured Field

The following XML definition example is a customfieldfilter structured field embedded within an itemcustomfield object whose fieldtype equals SELECT. After this object is deployed to the target account, a custom item field labeled SAMPLE ITEMCUSTOMFIELD appears on the Main tab of all Inventory item records. The fldfiltercomparetype equals LIKE and fildfilterval equals paid. Therefore, the field’s dropdown list is filtered to display only accounts that contain “paid” in the account name.

                <itemcustomfield scriptid="custitem_sample_itemcust">


Role Accesses

In SDF, you can control how roles access the information in custom fields by embedding roleaccess structured fields within a custom field object. The accesses that you specify determines how the custom field can be accessed on the record or through search results and reports. This helps you to maintain the security of your business information.

roleaccesses is the parent element and roleaccess is the child element. You can include multiple roleaccess child elements within the parent.

After an object with a roleaccess structured field is deployed to a NetSuite account, the Role section under the Access subtab of the custom field record is populated with the access level values of the fields specified by the structured field.

Here is an example of a custom item field configuration page in NetSuite with access levels set for a role:

Custom Item Field page with Accountant Role highlighted.

The following subfields are required for roleaccess structured fields:

  • role - Specifies the role.

  • accesslevel - Specifies the access level granted to the role for the custom field object.

    Possible access level values:

    • 0 - None

    • 1 - View

    • 2 - Edit

  • searchlevel - Specifies the access level granted to the role for the custom field object through search results and reports.

    Possible access level values:

    • 0 - None

    • 1 - Run

    • 2 - Edit

For more information about the supported fields and values for roleaccess, see roleaccess.

Additionally, you can define role accesses to custom fields from a NetSuite account. For more information, see Restricting Access to Custom Fields.

Example of a roleaccess Structured Field

The following XML definition example is a roleaccess structured field embedded within a itemcustomfield object. In this example, the accesslevel for the Accountant role equals 1 and the searchlevel equals 1. Therefore, the role’s access to the field is set to View and the access level through searching and reporting is set to Run.

                <itemcustomfield scriptid="custitem_sample_itemcust">


Example of an entitycustomfield SDF Custom Object

The following XML definition example is for an entitycustomfield SDF custom object. After this object is deployed to the target account, a custom entity field labeled SAMPLE ENTITYFIELD appears on the Company Profile subtab of all entity records that the object applies to. In this example, the object applies to contact and customer records. The fieldtype equals SELECT. Therefore, a value for selectrecordtype is required.

            <entitycustomfield scriptid="custentity_sample_test">
    <description>Sample description for field.</description>
    <help>Enter a brief explanation of the kind of information you want entered in this field.</help>
    <label>SAMPLE ENTITYFIELD</label>


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