Using Route Delivery in Transactions
For using Route Delivery in sales order transactions, you must select a value in the following fields:
Customer field in the Primary Information section
Location field in the Classification section
Ship to Select field in the Shipping subtab
If you select values in these fields, then the ship date and route are automatically determined as explained in the following section.
Route is not automatically determined for sales order created from opportunities or estimate transactions.
The Static Route Management SuiteApp only supports sales orders and not memorized transactions.
Determining Sales Order Shipment Date and Route
The Static Route Management SuiteApp uses the following criteria to determine the ship date and route:
The ship date is set to next available date for the combination of location and shipping address. If you have multiple routes on the same ship date, then the route with the earliest cutoff time is selected.
If cutoff time for next ship date is already past as per the location’s time zone, the SuiteApp checks for next available ship date and route.
When determining ship date, the SuiteApp does not consider the delivery time range. The SuiteApp also ignores the following settings in the Set Up Shipping page for determining the ship date:
Number of Days of Shipment
Cutoff Time for Shipments
Ship on Saturday
Ship on Sunday
Note:The status of Ship on Saturday and Ship on Sunday fields is considered in the following cases:
When creating sales orders using CSV import
For Intercompany sales orders
For routes marked as No Route
Irrespective of the selection in the Ship on Saturday and Ship on Sunday fields, the transaction date is always set as the ship date.
The ship date is redetermined if you change the Location or Ship to Select in the sales order.
The SuiteApp considers only active routes for route delivery.
The SuiteApp considers the time zone of the location for using the cutoff time. If you do not specify the time zone for the location, then the SuiteApp considers the time zone specified in the Set Preferences page.
If route cannot be determined for the selected route and shipping address combination, the SuiteApp creates and selects a new route record named No Route. The route name is suffixed with a number to keep the route records unique. For such route record:
Cutoff time is set as 11:59 p.m.
No Route box is checked
Delivery days are set from Monday to Friday. However, if you check Ship on Saturday and Ship on Sunday boxes in the Set Up Shipping page, then all days are set as delivery days.
When a route is determined automatically and is not marked as a No Route:
The location and ship date on sales order line items are always the same as the header location and ship date, respectively.
If the Supply Required By Date column is available in the Items subtab, then that date is same as ship date. Otherwise, the expected ship date must be the same as ship date.
The Enable Item Line Shipping box cannot be checked and remains dimmed.
If location is empty or if shipping address is empty or has a Custom Address selected, you can save the sales order without route determination.
Intercompany Sales Orders
When you create an intercompany sales order and if the location is defined, then the route and ship date is automatically determined. For more details about intercompany sales orders, see Intercompany Sales and Billing Transactions Overview.
Sales Orders Created Using CSV Import
When you create or update sales orders using CSV import, the SuiteApp determines the route based on the following criteria:
If the CSV file does not include the ship to address, then the SuiteApp considers default address of the customer as ship to address. If the default address is also not provided, then the route and ship date are not determined automatically.
If you want the location to be automatically determined based on customer address, keep the location value blank in the CSV file and check the Override Missing Fields box. Then, the SuiteApp considers the location provided in the Address -Location mapping for the selected address of the customer. If mapping does not exist, the SuiteApp considers the location set in the Default Location For Sales Orders preference in the Order Management subtab of Accounting preferences.
If the CSV file does not include the ship date, then the SuiteApp considers the transaction date as the ship date to determine the route.
When you update a sales order using CSV import, the route is redetermined when you update either the location, ship date, or shipping address.
If the route determined is not marked as No Route, the SuiteApp ignores the line level location.
If you have a line item in outbound processing, you cannot update the header level location, shipping address, and route for that sales order. However, if you update the ship date, the route is redetermined.
When creating or updating sales orders using CSV import, make sure you check the Run Server SuiteScript and Trigger Workflows box. For more information, see Sales Order Import.
Sales Order Created Using REST and SOAP Web Services
When you create or update sales orders using REST or SOAP Web Services integration, the SuiteApp determines the route based on the following criteria:
Route is redetermined when you update either the location or ship date.
If the route determined is not of the type No Route, the SuiteApp ignores the line level location.
If you have a line item in outbound processing, you cannot update the header level location, shipping address, and route for that sales order. However, if you update the ship date, the route is redetermined.
For more information, read SOAP Web Services Setup and SuiteTalk REST Web Services Overview and Setup.
Changing the Transaction Date
After determining the ship date and route, you may want to change the transaction date in the sales order. If you change the transaction date:
The ship date changes to match the transaction date automatically.
On saving the sales order, the route validates for the changed ship date.
If the changed ship date does not have a suitable route, manually change the ship date or route.