Annual Client Listing 725


This topic is for NetSuite accounts that use the Country Tax Reports page to generate the Annual Client Listing report for Belgium. If you are using the Tax Reports (International) page, see Belgium Annual Client Listing.

With Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp, you can generate the Belgium supplementary VAT report, Annual Client Listing Form 725. To generate a report, see Generating Localized Country Tax Reports. You can also export this report to PDF and XML. For more information, see Exporting a Country Tax Report.

The following table describe the content and data source of the generated Belgium Annual Client Listing Form.





Declarant’s VAT registration number

Tax registration number from the Company or Subsidiary Information


Year of the reporting period

Reporting tax period

VAT Number

Customer VAT number

Customer Tax Registration Number from the sales transaction

Sales (Exclusive of VAT)

Total net sales of the customers for the reporting period

Total net sales of customers

VAT Amount

Total VAT on sales

Total VAT on sales

To export the Annual Client Listing, see Exporting a Country Tax Report.

For more information about the reporting features of Tax Reporting Framework, see Tax Reporting Framework.

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