Different Catalogs based on Customer Location
Company B sells washing machines and dishwashers made by different manufacturers to retailers across the world. They are licensed to sell the following:
Washing machines and dishwashers made by manufacturer M in the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom
Washing machines and dishwashers made by manufacturer S in the USA
Washing machines made by manufacturer D in Canada
Dishwashers made by manufacturer D in Canada and the United Kingdom
Dishwashers made by manufacturer Y in the USA and Canada
The Company B website navigation menu contains sections for washing machines and dishwashers with further filtering by manufacturer, capacity, energy rating, etc. They do not use commerce categories.
First, Company B must decide how to segment their items and customers. Let’s look at how their answers to some important questions helps to layout PCV:
Question |
Answer |
Layout Input |
What are the customer groups I need? |
US Customers, Canada Customers, UK Customers. |
Customer groups to be created -US Customers, Canada Customers, UK Customers |
On what basis will I assign a customer to one group or the other? |
Customers will be automatically placed in the group corresponding to their registered address. |
US Customers, Canada Customers, and UK Customer customer groups are dynamic customer groups that use saved searches based on customer registered address |
Do I want any of my customers to be in more than one customer group? |
No |
No need to consider what a customer should see if they are in more than one group. |
What item segments do I need? |
Manufacturer M Products, Manufacturer S Products, Manufacturer D washing machines, Manufacturer D dishwashers, Manufacturer Y dishwashers. |
Item segment to be created -Manufacturer M Products, Manufacturer S Products, Manufacturer D washing machines, Manufacturer D dishwashers, Manufacturer Y dishwashers |
On what basis do I want to assign an item to one segment or another? |
Based first on manufacturer and then on type of item. |
Use mass updates to assign items to item collections. |
Do the item segments correspond to the sections in my website navigation or are they different? |
They are similar though not the same. |
Because Company B does not already use commerce categories and because the navigation structure is not identical to the item segments needed, it is best to use item collections for the item segments. |
Which item segments should be visible and purchasable to my customer segments? Which item segments should be visible but not purchasable? Can all customer segments view item prices? |
If a customer segment can see an item, they should also be able to see prices and buy the item. |
Who should be able to view any items that are not in item segments mapped to a customer segment? Should they be able to view the prices? |
All item segments should be mapped to customer segments. If any items are not in item segments, it is because they have not yet been classified. They should not be visible to any customer. |
Unmapped Items website visibility level should be set to Hide Fully. |
Do all my customers fall into one or more customer groups or do I have some ‘leftover’ customers? What items, if any, do I want the leftover customers to see? |
We are not licensed to sell to customers outside USA, UK, and Canada. Any visitors to the website from anywhere else in the world should not see any products. |
No item segments should be mapped to any customer segments other than US Customers, Canada Customers, and UK Customers. |
From the layout inputs, Company B creates the following in NetSuite:
Three saved searches that return US Customers, Canada Customers, and UK Customers respectively
Customer Groups (dynamic based on the saved searches): US Customers, Canada Customers, UK Customers
Item Collections: Manufacturer M Products, Manufacturer S Products, Manufacturer D washing machines, Manufacturer D dishwashers, Manufacturer Y dishwashers
Personalized Catalog View Setup:
Manufacturer M Products item collection set to Display Fully for US Customers, Canada Customers, and UK Customers customer groups
Manufacturer S Products item collection set to Display Fully for US Customers customer group
Manufacturer D washing machines set to Display Fully for Canada Customers customer group
Manufacturer D dishwashers set to Display Fully for Canada Customers and UK Customer customer groups
Manufacturer Y dishwashers set to Display Fully for US Customers and Canada Customers customer groups
Unmapped Items set to Hide Fully