Manually Posting Item Receipts
If you manually post receipts, you can receive items on the app without generating an item receipt. After you receive items on the app, you can view completed putaway tasks on the NS WMS subtab. You can post an item receipt on the app or through the NetSuite UI for fully or partially received quantities. For partially received quantities, you can create multiple or separate receipts, depending on your business requirements. .
To set up manual posting of item receipts, see Enabling Deferred Item Receipt Posting
To manually post an item receipt:
On your mobile device, tap the menu icon
at the top-left corner of the screen.
Tap Main Menu.
On the Main Menu page, tap Receiving.
On the Receiving page, tap Post Item Receipt.
On the Select Receipt Type page, tap Purchase Order, Transfer Order, Inbound Shipment, or RMA Receipt, depending on the type of order you are receiving.
On the Select PO # page, tap the order for which you are posting the item receipt.
The name at the top of this page might be Select PO #, Select TO #, Select Shipment, or Select RMA #, depending on the type of order you have selected on the Select Receipt Type page.
On the Receipt Details page, review the data displayed in the Items in Receipt table.
Tap Post Item Receipt.
To post item receipts through the NetSuite UI:
Using the WMS Warehouse Manager role, go to WMS Inbound > Post Item Receipt.
On the Post Item Receipt page, search for the item transaction you want to process by applying the following filters.
Location – Select the location associated with the transaction.
Transaction Type – Select one of the following types: Purchase Order, Transfer Order, or Returns.
Transaction # – Enter the transaction number.
Click Display.
On the Items list, you can review the items and received quantities that you have put away through the app.
Click Submit
A confirmation page appears. You can view the updates and item receipt from the associated transaction. For partially received items, you can create a separate item receipt for the remaining quantities.
When you manually post an item receipt, NetSuite WMS posts one item receipt for all items received for the order since the last item receipt was posted for the order.
For example, consider an order with three line items and a posted item receipt after one line item was fully received. If you do not post another item receipt until the remaining two line items are received, the item receipt will have two line items.