Reversing Completed Item Receipt Transactions

You can reverse item receipt transactions generated through the mobile receiving process. You can choose to reverse line items across single or multiple purchase orders, transfer orders, or return merchandize authorizations (RMA). For more information about mobile receiving, see Receiving Orders.

You can reverse entire line items only. You cannot process partial line item reversals.


Reversals for item receipts associated with inbound shipments are not supported.

When you reverse an item receipt, you remove the received item quantities from the bin locations from which they were received or put away. If bins have no sufficient quantity from which to deduct received items, you cannot proceed with the reversal, to prevent negative inventory.

You can reverse completed item receipt transactions using only the NetSuite WMS user interface.

To reverse a completed item receipt transaction using the NetSuite WMS user interface:

  1. Using the Warehouse role, go to Receiving > Receiving > Inbound Reversal.

  2. On the Inbound Reversal page, do the following:

    1. In the Transaction Type field, select whether you want to reverse an item receipt for a purchase order, transfer order, or return authorization.

    2. In the Location field, select the transaction’s location.

      For the transfer orders, select the to location or receiving warehouse location.

    3. In the Transaction # field, enter the number of the transaction.

    4. Click Display.

  3. On the Item List sublist, in the Confirm column, check the box next to each item receipt you want to reverse.

  4. Click Submit.

Reversed item receipts are removed from the associated transaction, and deleted. The transaction returns to a pending receipt state.

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