APM Action History Detail

You can view detailed timing and performance data about a specific time when an action was performed.

The action history details are available either on SuiteCommerce Action History Details or SuiteCommerce InStore Action History Detail. These pages open when you click the open icon on the Action History table. For more information, see Action Performance Dashboards.

For information about the action history details available for each APM for Commerce feature, see the following help topics:

All APM for Commerce Features

The following details are available for all APM for Commerce features:

  • Overview – Depending on the feature that you are using, all or some of the following information appear in the section:

    APM for Commerce Feature



    Total duration of the action


    The overall total shows the total duration for the entire process and is not equal to the sum of the individual total duration shown in the customization performance portlets.

    Log ID or unique identifier of the performance log on the page

    SuiteCommerce APM

    Domain name where the user performed the action

    Device type of the user

    Version of the SuiteCommerce SuiteApp in use

    Log ID or unique identifier of the performance log on the page

    SuiteCommerce InStore APM

    Sales associate’s email address

    Location where the action took place

    ID of the device that is running SCIS

    Version of the SCIS SuiteApp in use

  • Time by SuiteApp – This table includes the following information:

    • SuiteApp – Lists the active SuiteApps installed in your account. Each bundle entry here is formatted with the bundle ID and bundle name, for example: 53195 Last Sales Activity.

      If the bundle was removed, the bundle ID is still displayed, but the bundle name is changed to a generic name, for example, 2471 Uninstalled Bundle.

    • User Event Scripts – Lists the user event scripts that are components of SuiteApps installed in your account.

    • Workflows – Lists workflows that are components of SuiteApps installed in your account.

    • Total Duration – Lists the period of time it took to run user event scripts and workflows associated with active SuiteApps in your account. To know more about the start and end of the total duration for a specific action, see SuiteCommerce APM Action Sensors.

  • Customization Performance Portlets – These portlets provide detailed information about your customizations. For more information, see Customization Performance Portlets.

SuiteCommerce InStore APM

The Time Sources diagram is available only in SuiteCommerce InStore Action History Detail. It includes the following information:

  • Server Time includes the following:

    • User Event Scripts and Workflows – Shows customizations applied to your account or components included in SuiteApps installed in your account.

    • Custom Client Script URL Requests – Shows the duration of time for client script URL requests.

    • SCIS SuiteApp and Others – Shows SuiteScript processing associated with the SCIS SuiteApp.

  • Overhead Time – Shows customer interaction with a payment device, network latency, such as internet connectivity, and SCIS data processing.

Customization Performance Portlets

Portlets on the Action History Detail page show performance data associated with any customizations you applied to your NetSuite account. If you have the Application Performance (APM) SuiteApp installed in your account, you can go directly from the User Event Scripts portlet and Workflows portlet to the Profiler Details and SuiteScript Analysis pages in APM.

Read the following to learn more:

User Event Scripts

The User Event Scripts portlet shows detailed performance data associated with user event scripts. If a web developer created custom user event scripts for your organization, you can identify long-running scripts here.

Depending on the feature that you are using, all or some of the following information is displayed in the portlet:

  • Date and Time – Shows the date and time when the script started running.

  • Total Duration – Shows the amount of time it took for user event scripts associated with the action to run.

  • Record Type – Shows the type of record against which the user event script runs.

  • Event – Shows actions as they occur in the user event script. For example, AfterSubmit is an event generated at the code level.

  • Script Name – Shows the name of the script. Click the script name to view the script record.

  • Function – Shows the name of the function that the user event script used.

  • SuiteApp – If the user event script is included in a SuiteApp, this column shows the SuiteApp that includes the user event script.

  • Operations – Shows the number of record operations that were run by the user event script.

  • Profiler Details – Click the link to view the Profiler page. Profiler Details is a tool that lets you gather performance data about the timing and context of an operation, action, or request.

  • SuiteScript Analysis – Opens the SuiteScript Analysis tool which lets you know when a script was installed and how it performed in the past.


    To view Profiler Details and SuiteScript Analysis, you must have the Application Performance (APM) SuiteApp installed in your account. For more information, see Profiler Details Overview and Using SuiteScript Details.


The Workflows portlet shows detailed performance data associated with custom workflows applied to your NetSuite account.

Depending on the feature that you are using, all or some of the following information is displayed in the portlet:

  • Date and Time – Shows the date and time when the workflow started running.

  • Total Duration – The amount of time it took for a workflow associated with an action to run. For example, if a custom workflow is associated with creating a new customer, then the total duration of the workflow shows in this column.

  • Record Type – Shows the type of record associated with the workflow. For example, if there is a custom workflow associated with creating a new customer, then Customer shows in this column.

  • Entry Point – Shows the entry point that the workflow script used.

  • Workflow Name – Click the workflow name to go directly to the workflow page of NetSuite.

  • SuiteApp – If the workflow is included in a SuiteApp, this column shows the SuiteApp that includes the workflow.

  • Profiler Details – Click the link to view the Profiler page. Profiler Details is a tool that lets you gather performance data about the timing and context of an operation, action, or request.


    To view Profiler Details, you must have the Application Performance (APM) SuiteApp installed in your account.

Custom Client Script URL Requests

The Custom Client Script URL Requests portlet shows client script data that runs within an action. Client scripts are SuiteScripts that run in the browser. Generally, client scripts are used to validate user-entered data and to auto-populate fields or sublists at various form events. The following information is displayed in the portlet:

  • Date and Time – Shows when the client script request URL started to process.

  • Total Duration – Shows the total duration of time that it takes the client script request to process.

  • Client Script URL – Shows the request URL that represents the custom client script.

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