Mexico Audit Files: Electronic Accounting Files
This topic is for NetSuite accounts that use the Country Tax Report page to generate Mexico tax audit files. If you are using the Audit Files page, see Mexico Electronic Accounting File (Mexico Compliance SuiteApp).
With Tax Reporting Framework, you can generate and export the Mexico Electronic Accounting Files (Chart of Accounts, Trial Balance, Journals, and Auxiliary Report of Accounts) in a format prescribed by Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT).
To start generating the Mexico Electronic Accounting Files, read the following topics:
The following table describes the generated files when you download the Mexico Electronic Accounting Files. Click the report name in the File/Report column to view additional details and data sources for each report.
File/Report |
Description |
Filename |
This file reports the chart of accounts used in the period.
To view and use this file, you need to install the Mexico Complementary Features SuiteApp. For more information, see Mexico Complementary Features. |
This file reports opening balances, movements during the period, and ending balances of each and every one of the accounts of assets, liabilities, capital and reserves, and results (revenue, costs, and expenses). You can generate two types of Trial Balance:
This file reports information about generated policies, including transactional details of accounts, sub-accounts, and entries during the period. |
This file reports information about balances and modifications of the auxiliary accounts or sub-accounts during the period. |
Chart of Accounts
To view and use this feature, you need to install the Mexico Complementary Features SuiteApp. For more information, see Mexico Complementary Features.
The Chart of Accounts file shows all posting from active or inactive accounts that are mapped to the Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) catalog regardless of the account balance. It does not include data from non-posting accounts, non-posting account types, and statistical accounts. For more information about mapping standard NetSuite fields to categories required by the SAT, see Mexico Localization Field Mapping.
This file reports the company chart of accounts. The following table describes the Chart of Accounts fields and its information source.
Field |
Source |
CodAgrup |
SAT Account Grouping |
NumCta |
Chart of Accounts (COA) Account Number or Accounting Context Account Number |
Desc |
COA Account Name or Accounting Context Account Name |
SubCtaDe |
COA Account Number or Accounting Context Account Number of Child Account |
Nivel |
SAT Account Grouping level |
Natur |
For more information about account types in NetSuite, see Account Types. |
Version |
1.3 |
Tax registration number in Mexico |
Mes |
Month of the reporting period |
Anio |
Year of the reporting period |
Trial Balance
To view and use this feature, you need to install the Mexico Complementary Features SuiteApp. For more information, see Mexico Complementary Features.
The Trial Balance file shows all posting from active or inactive accounts that are mapped to the SAT catalog regardless of the account balance. For more information about mapping standard NetSuite fields to categories required by the SAT, see Mexico Localization Field Mapping.
The Trial Balance may show negative amounts if the account’s beginning or ending balance is contrary to its balance type. For more information about positive and negative notations on your accounts, see Account Types.
The following table describes the Trial Balance fields and their information source.
Field |
Source |
NumCTA |
COA Account Number or Accounting Context Account Number |
Saldoni |
Net balance of the account from previous periods |
Debe |
Total debit entries of the account for the selected period |
Haber |
Total credit entries of the account for the selected period |
SaldoFin |
Ending balance of the account
Version |
1.3 |
Company’s or subsidiary’s tax registration number in Mexico |
Mes |
Month of the reporting period |
Anio |
Year of the reporting period |
TipoEnvio |
Tax Filing Setup: Declaration Type
FechaModBal (required in Complementary Trial Balance) |
Tax Filing Setup: Date of Last Accounting Change |
To set up the Declaration Type for TipoEnvio and the Date of Last Accounting Change for FechaModBal, see Trial Balance Tax Filing Setup.
Journals (Policies of Period)
To view and use this feature, you need to install the Mexico Complementary Features SuiteApp. For more information, see Mexico Complementary Features.
The Journals file shows all posting from approved transactions that are included in the financial reports or GL.
The following tables describe the Journals fields and their information source.
The following fields provide the company or subsidiary information about the policy.
Field |
Source |
Version |
1.3 |
Company’s or subsidiary’s tax registration number in Mexico |
Mes |
Month of the reporting period |
Anio |
Year of the reporting period |
TipoSolicitud |
Tax Filing Setup: Application Policy Type
NumOrden/NumTramite |
Tax Filing Setup: Policy Request Reference Number |
To set up the Application Policy Type for TipoSolicitud and the Policy Request Reference Number for NumOrden or NumTramite fields, see Journals and Auxiliary Report of Accounts Tax Filing Setup.
The following fields provide information retrieved from the Transaction Record.
Field |
Source |
NumUnIdenPol |
GL audit number |
Fecha |
Date |
Concepto |
Transaction type and Transaction memo or description |
The following fields provide information about the accounts or sub-accounts affected by the transaction. The information in this section is retrieved from all posting and approved transactions that are included in the GL.
Field |
Source |
NumCta |
COA Account Number or Accounting Context Account Number |
DesCta |
COA Account name or Accounting Context Account Name |
Concepto |
Transaction type and Transaction memo or description |
Debe |
Transaction Debit amount |
Haber |
Transaction Credit amount |
The following optional fields provide information about electronic invoices retrieved from the Transaction Record.
Field |
Source |
Transaction UUID |
Customer’s or vendor’s tax registration number |
MontoTotal |
Total amount of the transaction including taxes |
Moneda |
Currency |
TipCamb |
Exchange Rate |
The following optional fields provide information about foreign fiscal documents like invoices or vendor bills from other countries. The information in this section is also retrieved from the Transaction Record.
Field |
Source |
NumFactExt |
Transaction ID |
TaxID |
Customer’s or vendor’s tax registration number |
MontoTotal |
Total amount of the transaction including taxes |
Moneda |
Currency |
TipCamb |
Exchange rate |
The following fields provide check payment information retrieved from the Transaction Record.
Field |
Source |
Num |
Check number |
BanEmisNal |
SAT Bank Account |
CtaOri |
Payor’s Bank Account Number |
Fecha |
Date |
Benef |
Payee |
Payee’s tax registration number in Mexico |
Monto |
Transaction Amount |
Moneda |
Currency |
TipCamb |
Exchange rate |
The following fields provide information about all bill payments with the SAT payment method, Transferencia.
Field |
Source |
CtaOri |
Bank Account Number of the origin bank |
BancoOriNal |
SAT Bank Code of the origin bank |
CtaDest |
Account Number on the Payment method subtab |
BancoDestNal |
SAT Bank Code of the receiving bank |
Fecha |
Date |
Benef |
Payee |
Payee’s tax registration number in Mexico |
Monto |
Transaction Amount |
Moneda |
Currency |
TipCamb |
Exchange rate |
The following fields provide additional information about payments aside from checks and transfers. This information is retrieved from the Transaction Record.
Field |
Source |
MetPagoPol |
SAT Payment Method |
Fecha |
Date |
Benef |
Payee |
Payee’s tax registration number in Mexico |
Monto |
Transaction Amount |
Moneda |
Currency |
TipCamb |
Exchange rate |
Auxiliary Report of Accounts
To view and use this feature, you need to install the Mexico Complementary Features SuiteApp. For more information, see Mexico Complementary Features.
The Auxiliary Report of Accounts file shows all posting from active and inactive auxiliary accounts that are mapped to the SAT catalog. For more information about mapping standard NetSuite fields to categories required by the SAT, see Mexico Localization Field Mapping.
This file reports the transactions of the auxiliary accounts or sub-accounts in the selected reporting period.
The following tables describe the Auxiliary Report fields and their information sources.
Field |
Source |
Version |
1.3 |
Company’s or subsidiary’s tax registration number in Mexico |
Mes |
Month of the reporting period |
Anio |
Year of the reporting period |
TipoSolicitud |
Tax Filing Setup: Application Policy Type
NumOrden/NumTramite |
Tax Filing Setup: Policy Request Reference Number |
To set up the Application Policy Type for TipoSolicitud and the Policy Request Reference Number for NumOrden or NumTramite, see Journals and Auxiliary Report of Accounts Tax Filing Setup.
Field |
Source |
NumCta |
COA Account number or Accounting Context Account Number |
DesCta |
COA Account Name or Accounting Context Account Name |
Saldoni |
Net balance of the account from previous periods |
SaldoFin |
Ending balance of the account
Field |
Source |
Fecha |
Transaction Date |
NumUnIdenPol |
Transaction GL Audit Number |
Concepto |
Transaction Type +Transaction memo or description |
Debe |
Transaction Debit Amount |
Haber |
Transaction Credit Amount |
Related Topics
Related Topics
- Tax Filing Setup for Mexico Audit Files
- Adding Mexico Tax Audit Files in Saved Searches
- Installing Tax Reporting Framework
- Roles and Permissions in Tax Reporting Framework
- Setting Up Country Tax Reporting Preferences
- Generating Localized Country Tax Reports
- Viewing a Generated Country Tax Report
- Making Adjustments on a Country Tax Report
- Exporting a Country Tax Report
- Electronic Tax Filing in Tax Reporting Framework
- Customizing Localized Tax Returns
- Country Tax Reports in Tax Reporting Framework
- Tax Reporting Framework Error Codes
- Known Limitations of Tax Reporting Framework