Excluding Revenue Elements from Treatment Lookup

Use the Exclude from Treatment Lookup box on a revenue element to prevent changes to revenue recognition attributes due to future treatment lookup. When you exclude an element from the lookup process, the treatment rule and treatment associated with the element, if any, remain unchanged.

The treatment lookup process automatically excludes revenue elements that are sourced from journal entries.

The usual reason for excluding elements from lookup is to preserve edits you have made manually to the element’s revenue recognition attributes. You can continue to edit revenue elements manually after you exclude them from lookup. For information about which attributes you can edit, see Revenue Element Field Reference.

To exclude revenue elements from treatment lookup:

  1. Go to Transactions > Financial > Revenue Arrangements, and click Edit next to the revenue arrangement with the revenue elements you want to exclude.

  2. Check the Exclude from Treatment Lookup box on each revenue element whose attributes you want to preserve.

  3. Click Save.

You can use the Exclude from Treatment Lookup field as a criteria filter and results field in revenue element advanced searches. For general instructions, see Defining an Advanced Search.

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