Analytics Home Page

The Analytics Home page appears when you click the Analytics tab in the NetSuite navigation menu. The page includes Workbook and Dataset subtabs, enabling you to open and view any of the workbooks and datasets that you have access to. If you have the Analytics Administrator permission, you can also access predefined workbook and dataset templates and any of the workbooks or datasets created by other users in your account. For more information about the Analytics Administrator permission, see The Analytics Administrator Permission.

The elements of the Analytics Home page are identified in the image below:


The options available on this page vary depending on whether you are in the Workbooks or Datasets subtab.

Analytics Home page


Favorite Workbooks — Includes any workbooks you have marked as a favorite. Click the icon in the upper right corner to sort the workbooks by name, in ascending or descending order.


Workbooks/Datasets subtabs — Switch between viewing the workbooks and datasets in your account.


Search — Search for saved workbooks or datasets using a field name, user name, criteria filter, or any other workbook or dataset element. Searches are only executed across the selected list (4).

For example, to search workbooks that you are the owner of, make sure that My Workbooks is selected in the drop down list of the Workbooks subtab.


Workbook/Dataset lists — Specify the workbooks or datasets you want to view. You can only view templates and objects created by other users if you have the Analytics Administrator permission:

  • All Workbooks/ Datasets-Every workbook or dataset that you have access to in your account.

  • My Workbooks/ Datasets-Workbooks or datasets that you have created.

  • Shared with me-Workbooks and datasets that other users have created and shared with you.

  • Employee Workbooks/ Datasets-Workbooks and datasets created by other users in your account.

  • Templates-Predefined workbook and dataset templates. For more information, see Workbook and Dataset Templates.


New Workbook/Dataset — On the Workbook subtab, click New Workbook to begin authoring a workbook using an existing dataset or a new dataset that you create. On the Dataset subtab, click New Dataset to select a record type and begin authoring a new dataset. For more information, see Custom Workbooks and Datasets.


Workbook/Dataset Viewer — All workbooks and datasets that you have access to are presented in the viewer. On the Workbook subtab, click the icons next to the New Workbook button to switch between a list view and tile view of the workbooks in your account.

  • List view – Displays the following information: workbook name, details, description, owner, and date and time when the workbook was last opened and modified.

  • Tile view – Displays the following information: workbook name, description, and workbook type.

Within the Workbook/Dataset Viewer, you can perform the following actions:

  • To view additional details about a dataset including a summary of the fields and criteria filters used, or the record types that are joined within it, click Details. From the Details Panel, you can also create a new workbook based on the dataset.

  • To view additional details about a workbook including a list of each visualization and the datasets they are based on, click Details. From the Details Panel, you can also access each dataset that the visualizations are based on.

  • To delete or share a workbook or dataset, click the menu icon and select Share or Delete. For datasets, you also have the option to Create Workbook.

  • To mark a workbook as favorite, do the following:

    • From the tile view, click the menu icon and select Mark as Favorite.

    • From the list view, click the Star icon next to the workbook name.


Learn about Analytics — Click Learn about Analytics to open a panel that lists all SuiteAnaltyics Workbook videos as well as a description. To view a video, click the thumbnail and it will open in a new window.

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