Importing and Setting Up a Postman Environment
To import a Postman collection:
Download the Postman environment template and collections archive from the SuiteCloud tools download page at https://<accountID> To access the page, you must substitute your account ID in the URL. To access the page, your role must have the REST web services permission assigned to it.
Unzip the archive.
To import the environment template from the Environment folder, click the gear icon in the top menu of the Postman application, and then click Settings.
Go to the Data tab, and then click Choose files to select the template to import. The template is located in the environment folder of the Postman environment template and collections archive.
After importing the environment, the REST API Environment Template is displayed in the list of environments. Make a copy of the template for each new TBA token you want to add. Click the Duplicate button to make a copy.
Enter a self-descriptive name for your environment, for example, "<role> for <account> at <host>". REST web services only support account-specific domains. For information about account-specific domains, see URLs for Account-Specific Domains.
Enter your account ID (for example, 3604360 or 3604360_SB1 for Sandbox accounts – follow the exact spelling).
Enter the TBA credentials you created. For details about creating TBA credentials, see Authentication and Session Management for REST Web Services.
Enter your company URL for SuiteTalk. You can find your company URL at Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Company Information, on the Company URLs subtab.