Add Fields and Join Record Types
If you have not already done so, complete Step One: Select a Root Record Type.
The following steps show you how to add fields and join record types to your dataset. Only fields that are included on the Data Grid can be used to build workbook visualizations such as tables, pivot tables, and charts.
By default, the Data Grid displays preselected fields based on the root record type selected for the dataset. Fields that you add to the grid appear highlighted at the top of the Fields list.
To add fields and join record types:
Add fields from the root record type to the Data Grid. You have three options:
Drag the fields from the Fields list to the Data Grid.
Double-click the fields in the Fields list.
Type the name of the fields in the search bar at the top of the Fields list, then drag or double-click them to add them to the Data Grid.
For the purposes of this tutorial, you do not need to add any additional fields from the sales (ordered) record type.
Join related record types to the dataset by adding their fields to the Data Grid.
By default, the Records list on the Dataset Builder shows all related record types that you have access to in your account.
Click the arrow next to any record type in the Records list to view additional related record types.
Click a record type name to update the Fields list.
Double-click or drag fields to the Data Grid.
Note:Depending on the relationship between record types that you join in a dataset, data duplication might occur. For more information, see Guidelines for Joining Record Types in SuiteAnalytics Workbook.
For the purposes of this tutorial, add the status field from the transaction record type.
Create and add formula fields to the Data Grid.
Click the Formulas link above the Records list.
Click New Formula in the Fields list.
In the Formula Field window, enter the formula field name.
Select an output type for the formula field values.
Note:Each output type only works with certain fields and formula functions. If you select an incompatible output type for the formula, the formula is invalidated. For more information, see Formula Fields.
In the Formula field, enter the field IDs and SQL formula functions to use in the formula expression. Alternatively, double-click field IDs or formula functions from the Functions and Fields subtabs to add them to the expression.
Note:The Fields subtab only includes fields from the root record type in the dataset and any related record types that you have accessed on the Dataset Builder. If you want to include fields from a related record type in your formula expression, you must either access the record type on the Dataset Builder or manually enter the field ID into the expression.
To validate the formula, click Validate.
If there are no errors, click Apply to add the formula field to the dataset.
For the purposes of this tutorial, no formula fields are required.
Remove any fields you do not want to include in the dataset.
Click the Field Menu icon
in the column you want to remove from the Data Grid.
Select Remove Column from the dropdown list.
For the purposes of this tutorial, remove the memo and partner fields.
Warning:Any changes you make to a dataset are automatically propagated to workbook visualizations that are based on the dataset. Removing a field from the Data Grid can therefore cause failures in the associated workbook visualizations. Exercise caution when removing a field from the grid.
Continue to Step Three: Filter Your Dataset.