Ordering Workflows
Workflows generally process in the order that they were created in, but you should not rely on this order when you want to synchronize workflows.
Consider applying the following best practices when you need workflows to run in a specific order:
Create a primary workflow that runs other workflows. For example, if you want workflow A to run before workflow B, you create workflow C and set it to initiate workflow A. When workflow A is finished executing, you can set workflow C to initiate workflow B.
You can synchronize workflows by creating a workflow and configuring it to initiate another workflow as the last action. For example, you can create workflow A and set it to initiate workflow B as the last action in workflow A.
Important:If you are initiating a workflow from a different workflow, you need to set the release status of the workflow being initiated to Not Initiating. You need to always exempt the child workflow from the usual initiation process because you are initiating the child workflow in the parent workflow. If you do not change the release status of the child workflow, your workflow will not run as expected. For more information about changing the release status of a workflow, see Release Status.
Do not create interdependent workflows that initiate on user events. Doing so can create a logic loop between the workflows and the workflows will not process as expected.
Test your workflows to make sure that they run in the order that you intend them to.