Preview Website Email Templates

This functionality shows you what the selected website email will look like to a web store customer. If you have multiple websites in your account or multiple languages defined in the email template, you can quickly see what the email will look like when sent in different languages from different websites. Depending on the type of email you are viewing, you can also select other options on the preview page to create a preview of a specific email.


With the 21.1 release of NetSuite, menu navigation for Setup > SuiteCommerce Advanced > Setup Website has changed to Commerce > Websites > Website List. See Commerce Tab.


Email preview is available only for system email templates for web stores. It is not available for other types of system email templates.

Watch the following help video for information about previewing system email templates.

To preview a website email:

  1. Go to Commerce > Websites > Web Site List.

  2. Click Edit next to the website whose email you want to preview.

  3. Click the Email subtab.

  4. Click the subtab that contains the email you want to preview. For example, if you want to preview the Order Received email, click the Order Emails subtab.

  5. Locate the email type you want to preview, for example, Order Received. Ensure the email template you want to preview is selected in Select a System Email Template, and click the preview icon next to it.


    If you cannot see the preview icon, point to the Select a System Email Template field. The preview icon is displayed to the right of the field.

  6. In the preview window, select the language in which to view the email. Multiple languages are available if the Multi-Language feature is enabled and if multiple languages are defined in the system email template.

  7. (Optional) If you have more than one website set up in your account, you can change the website for which you want to see the email preview.

  8. Depending on the Email Type you are viewing, other preview options may be available. These include:

    • Sales Order -the sales order for which you want to preview the email. This list is available for the email types: Order Received, Order Canceled, Order Approved, Gift Certificate, and Gift Certificate Confirmation.

    • Fulfilment -the item fulfilment number for which you want to preview the email. This list is available for the email: type Order Fulfilled.

    • Gift Certificate -the gift certificate for which you want to preview the email. The name and recipient email address of each gift certificate in the selected sales order is displayed in the list. This list is available for the email types: Gift Certificate, and Gift Certificate Confirmation.

    • Cash Sale -the cash sale number for which you want to preview the email. This list is available for the email types: Download Available, Gift Certificate Confirmation, and License Code.

    • Customer -the name of the customer for whom you want to preview the email. This list is available for the email types: Checkout Errors, Password Recovery, and Registration Confirmation.


    These lists contain the most recent values. You can also type in the value.

  9. Click Preview.

You can generate previews with different combinations of preview options in the same preview window. For example, you can see what the Order Received email will look like in different languages and for different sales orders by changing the preview options.

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