Applying India GST on Sales Transactions

The list below shows the sales transactions supported by the India Goods and Services Tax (GST) feature:

To apply India GST on a sales transaction:

  1. Create a new sales transaction.

  2. Select the customer for the transaction.

  3. In the India Tax Information section, set the following fields:

    1. In the Nature of Document field, it sets a default value based on the type of transaction your create. The value set here will be declared in the List of Documents Issued section when filing the GSTR1 tax report.

      This field is only available for posting transactions (Invoice, Cash Sale, Credit Memo, and Cash Refund).

      • Invoices for outward supply – This value is automatically set for Invoice and Cash Sale transactions.

      • Credit Note – This value is automatically set for Credit Memo and Cash Refund transactions.

        In the Reason for Issuing Note field, select the reason for issuing a credit note.

    2. In the Place of Supply field under the India Tax Information section, select the registered place of the subsidiary. The value in this field determines if the transaction is identified as intrastate or interstate supply, and which tax component (SGST, CGST, or IGST) applies.


      This field is required when importing transactions through CSV Import or SuiteScript.

    3. In the India Ecommerce Operator field, select the operator if this transaction is made through an ecommerce operator

    4. In the India ECommerce GSTIN field, select the ecommerce GSTIN if this transaction is made through an ecommerce operator in India.

    5. In the Export Type field, select the export type for this transaction. This field only applies to sales transactions that contain goods or services for export. It also determines if the system will calculate the tax.


      This field is required if the customer registration type is set to Overseas or SEZ, and if the Subsidiary registration type is set to Regular.

      • With LUT Bond – Select this option if this transaction is for export without payment of IGST (Integrated Goods and Services Tax) under Bond or Letter of Undertaking (LUT).

      • Without LUT Bond – Select this option if this transaction is for export on payment of IGST (Integrated Goods and ServicesTax) without any requirement of Bond or LUT.

    6. In the LUT or Bond Number field, select the LUT or Bond number for this transaction. This field is required if Export Type is set to With LUT Bond. Only valid LUT or Bond numbers that are within effective range and with usable value can be selected.

  4. Add items or expenses for this transaction.

  5. After entering line items, review the information in the India HSN or SAC Code column and change if necessary. If there is no HSN or SAC code selected for the line item, edit the item record and assign a default code. For more information, see .


    To calculate GST tax on the transaction, you must have an HSN or SAC code assigned for each line item.

  6. In the India Tax UQC column, review the UQC unit for the items selected. This field populates the assigned unit type of the item record.

  7. For transactions where shipping is applied, click the Shipping subtab.

  8. Under the India Tax Details section, enter values for the following fields:

    1. Depending on your shipping preference, selecting the shipping method will automatically populate the India Tax Shipping HSN or SAC Code and India Handling HSN or SAC Code fields. You can change and set the value to a different code on these fields based on your preference.

      For more information about how to charge for shipping and handling, see Charging for Shipping and Handling per Item.

      For more information about how set up India Tax HSN and SAC Codes on shipping item records, see Setting Up Default India HSN and SAC Codes on Shipping Item Records.

    2. In the Port Code field, select the port code through which goods were exported.

    3. In the Shipping Bill Number field, enter the unique reference number of the shipping bill.

    4. In the Shipping Bill Date field, enter the transaction’s shipping date. You can also click the Pick icon next to the date field and select a date in the calendar.

  9. On the Billing subtab, check the Bill Address section and make sure the entity’s default billing address is populated. Otherwise, you must enter the entity’s billing information so tax can be calculated.

  10. Enter other details required for this transaction.

  11. Click Preview Tax or Save. When you click the Preview Tax or save the transaction, NetSuite determines the appropriate nexus for the transaction. It will also call the tax process associated with the nexus to calculate the taxes. The tax details are then sent back to NetSuite by the tax process and shown on the Tax Details subtab of the transaction record.


When importing transactions through CSV Import or SuiteScript, you must select the Nexus and Place of Supply fields. These field values are required for tax calculation.

Printing Invoice Transactions with India GST Tax Information

The India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp includes an advanced India Invoice PDF/HTML template to print invoices. This template is designed to display the following GST tax details in printed invoices:


To print transactions with tax information in SuiteTax, you need to enable the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature and use custom transaction forms that use the SuiteTax advanced print templates. For information about the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature, see Advanced PDF/HTML Templates. You also must have at least the Edit permission for the transactions that you want to print.

Using the India Invoice PDF/HTML Template

The India Invoice PDF/HTML template is set as the preferred template on invoice forms that the India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp includes. To print GST tax details on your custom invoice forms, you must select this template on your custom invoice forms.

To set up the India Invoice PDF/HTML Template:

  1. Go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.

  2. Click the Customize link for the standard invoice transaction form. To set up the template on a custom invoice form, click the Edit beside the custom invoice form.

  3. Choose Advanced as the printing type.

  4. In the Print Template and Email Template fields, select India Invoice PDF/HTML Template.

  5. Check the Form is Preferred box.

  6. Click Save.

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