Installation Requirements for SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm
Verify the following prerequisites before you install and use WebStorm with the IDE plug-in:
Operating system and browser – Verify that the operating system version that you want to use with the WebStorm plug-in is supported.
For more information, see Supported Operating Systems for SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm.
Java SE Development Kit – The IDE plug-in requires Oracle JDK version 17 or Oracle JDK version 21.
64–bit requirements – To properly run the 64-bit version of the WebStorm plug-in, make sure your operating system and Java versions are both 64-bit versions.
Two-factor authentication setup – If you want to use an administrator role and any other role that requires 2FA for SDF development, the SuiteCloud Development Integration bundle must be installed to the account.
For more information about using a role requiring 2FA for SDF development, see SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm Account Setup.
SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) enabled – Ensure SDF is enabled in the NetSuite account by checking the SDF box in Setup > Company > Enable Features > SuiteCloud > SuiteCloud Development Framework > SuiteCloud Development Framework.
NetSuite account features – An account administrator must enable the features in your account that SDF depends on.
For more information, see Enabling SuiteCloud Development Framework in the Target NetSuite Account (Administrator Only).
Account – Your WebStorm plug-in version should match the version of your NetSuite account. You may experience compatibility issues by using an older version of the WebStorm plug-in with the latest version of NetSuite.
OAuth 2.0 enabled – Ensure OAuth 2.0 is enabled in the NetSuite account. To enable the OAuth 2.0 feature, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features, click the SuiteCloud subtab, and check the OAuth 2.0 box on the Manage Authentication section. For more information, see Enable the OAuth 2.0 Feature.
WebStorm – The IDE plug-in requires WebStorm version 2024.3.2.