Creating Tax Deduction at Source Tax Type Mapping
The India Localization SuiteTax Engine SuiteApp uses the TDS tax type mapping to deposit TDS to the desired GL account. You can create TDS tax type mapping using the Administrator or India Tax Manager role only.
The SuiteApp supports the following TDS tax types for mapping:
Tax Deduction at Source
TDS Education Cess
TDS Secondary Education Cess
TDS Surcharge
You can create TDS tax type mapping on the Tax Type page or the Configuration page. On the Configuration page, you can additionally include section code when creating a TDS tax type mapping.
For more information, see Tax Type Mapping on the Configuration Page
The India Localization SuiteTax Engine supports only the default tax types. No custom tax type is supported.
Tax Type Mapping on the Tax Type Page
On the Tax Type page, you can create a mapping for all the TDS tax types using the following information.
Tax type
Tax on Purchase account
To create TDS tax type mapping:
Go to Setup > Tax > Tax Type.
Click Edit beside the tax type you want to edit.
In the Name field, edit the name as required.
Click the Accounts subtab and select the following:
Nexus – Select a nexus.
Tax On Purchase – Select the account you want to use to deposit TDS.
Click Save.
Tax Type Mapping on the Configuration Page
On the Configuration page, you can create a mapping for the Tax Deduction at Source tax type only using the following information:
Tax type
Section code
Tax on Purchase account
The TDS tax type mapping on this page overrides the mapping details on the Tax Type page.
Before creating a tax type mapping on the Configuration page, you must configure the India Custom GL Plug-in. The configuration ensures that the TDS is deposited to the account based on the mapping.
Enable Custom GL Lines feature – In NetSuite, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. On the SuiteCloud subtab, under the SuiteGL section, check the Custom GL Lines box.
Configure the India Custom GL Plug-in – In NetSuite, go to Customization > Plug-ins > Plug-in Implementations and perform the following steps:
To configure the India Custom GL Plug-in:
Go to Customization > Plug-ins > Plug-in Implementations.
Click Configure.
Check the Asynchronous box.
On the Rules subtab, from the Transaction Type list, select Bill.
Under the Subsidiaries field, check the All box.
Click Save.
Enable the India custom GL plug-in – In NetSuite, go to Customization > Plug-ins > Manage Plug-ins. Check the India Custom GL Plugin box and click Save.
After configuring the India custom GL plug-in, perform the following steps to create a tax type mapping.
To create a TDS tax type mapping:
Go to Setup > India Localization > Configuration.
Click the Tax Deduction at Source subtab.
In the Nexus column, select a nexus.
In the Tax Type column, select Tax Deduction at Source. The SuiteApp does not support other TDS tax types.
In the Section Code column, select a section code.
In the Tax On Purchase account, select the account you want to use to deposit TDS.
Click Add.
Click Save.
After creating mappings for TDS tax types, set up section codes for TDS. For more information, see Setting Up Section Codes for Tax Deduction at Source.