Manually Defining SDF Custom Object Dependencies in a SuiteApp Using the SuiteCloud Project Manifest

You can define dependencies on SDF custom objects that are external to your SuiteCloud project in SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF), such as objects in another SuiteApp.

To manually define an external SuiteApp dependency:

  1. Open the manifest.xml file.

  2. Add the following elements if they do not already exist:

    Add a dependencies element.

    Inside the dependencies element, add an applications element.

  3. Inside the applications element, add an application element. Specify the application id, for example: <application id=”publisherid.projectid”>.

  4. Inside the application element, add an objects element. Use the object XML tag to reference an SDF custom object in a NetSuite account by the script id.

    For example, your dependencies element should look similar to the following XML if you reference an SDF custom object named customrecord_sample that is part of the com.samples.mysuiteapp project:

            <application id="com.example.mysuiteapp">

    Your dependencies element may also include a features element if your project uses any feature dependencies. For more information, see Defining Feature Dependencies in SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm.

  5. Save the file.

    You can now reference an object that is external to your SuiteCloud project. For more information, see Specifying a Reference to an SDF Custom Object in Another SuiteApp.

  6. Validate the project against the target NetSuite account to ensure that the dependencies are correct.

    For more information about validation, see Deploying a SuiteCloud Project to Your NetSuite Account with SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code or Validating a SuiteCloud Project with SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm.

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