Item Restrictions by Subsidiary or Location
With NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) you can set restrictions on where an item can be sold. By selecting one or more subsidiaries or a single location on an NetSuite ERP Item record, you can limit the stores that are authorized to handle an item. If a store is not included in a subsidiary or location chosen for an item, the item is not authorized to the store and is not visible to the cashier at the store.
If the cashier searches for or scans an unauthorized item, NSPOS returns a prompt stating “No results found.” This prompt also appears if the cashier attempts to process a return for an unauthorized item.
You can set restrictions one item at a time, or you can perform a mass update of Item records through an upload. Note that for mass updates, you should follow these guidelines:
Do not perform mass item updates during business hours, when transactions are occurring on your registers.
Limit mass updates to 60,000 records per 24–hour period. Exceeding this limit can impact synchronization between your server and your registers.
To keep an item available without restrictions, leave the Subsidiary set to Parent Company. This subsidiary choice is the default.
Restricting an item means that it will only be visible to the cashier and available for sale at the selected subsidiary’s locations or optionally, a single location. For information about complex setups for assigning subsidiaries and locations, see Creating Item Records in the NetSuite ERP Help Center. Look under Item Record Header Fields > Classification > Subsidiary > Advanced Item Location Configuration.
To restrict a single item to subsidiaries or a location:
Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.
Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.
Locate the desired item and click Edit.
To restrict the item to all locations within a subsidiary, select the Subsidiary.
You can select more than one subsidiary. Check Include Children if you want to include all child entities that belong to the selected subsidiaries.
To restrict the item to a single location within the chosen subsidiary, select the Location.
Click Save.
Review Current Item Restrictions
Before utilizing item restrictions, you should create a search and review all items for their current assigned subsidiaries and locations. Settings applied in the past might not be desirable for your current needs.
These steps display an item list customized to include the Subsidiary and Location fields.
To perform an item search for restrictions:
Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.
Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.
Click Edit View or Customize View.
Scroll to the bottom of the Field list.
and click Add. -
and click Add. -
Select Subsidiary and click Move To Top.
Select Location and click Move To Top.
Click Preview.
Sort the list by clicking a column heading as desired.
Click an export option to save the list for review, such as PDF.
Related Topics
- Items
- Working with Inventory Items
- Setting up a Services for Sale Item
- Gift Cards and Gift Certificates in NSPOS
- Disable Item from Searches on the POS
- Do Not Download Item to POS
- Searching for Items in NetSuite ERP Using RA-Barcodes
- Save Previous UPCs If Replaced
- Multiple Bar Codes for Single Items
- Weighted Bar Codes – Enabling Scans
- Bin Management
- Item Synchronization – NetSuite ERP to NSPOS