Save Previous UPCs If Replaced

When an item UPC is replaced in NetSuite ERP, the change is synchronized to your NSPOS registers. NSPOS retains the previous UPCs to ensure you can continue searching for and selling an item using a previous version of its UPC.

For situations where UPC history is not needed, you have the option to automatically expire UPCs when they are replaced. Found in NetSuite ERP, this option is a universal setting for NSPOS called Save previous UPCs if replaced.

Use the steps that follow if you want to disable Save previous UPCs if replaced.


If the setting is disabled (do not retain previous UPCs) and an item's UPC is replaced, NSPOS will expire all UPCs previously assigned to that item during the next synchronization event.

If a UPC is expired and a sales associate uses that UPC in an item search, the item will not be found.


Disabling the Save previous UPCs if replaced option does not automatically expire previous UPCs from all items. To flag an item for synchronization and run the expiration script, you must update (Edit and Save) the item. Repeat for the next item as desired.

Any type of update to an item will cause applicable behind-the-scenes processes to be included in the next synchronization cycle.

To disable saving previous UPCs if replaced:

  1. Log in to NetSuite as an administrator.

  2. Go to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Record Types.

  3. Locate RA-Setting and click List

  4. Find Save previous UPCs if replaced and click Edit.

  5. Clear the Value box.

  6. Click Save.


    Do not edit other RA-Setting options unless you are trained to do so or receive specific instructions. Incorrectly changing a setting could impact your NSPOS processing,

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