Promotion Get Conditions
When creating a promotion, the first thing to consider are the Get conditions. Get conditions specify exactly what the customer gets when a transaction meets the requirements defined by the promotion’s eligibility rules. You must determine the following:
What is the discount applied to? – you can apply the discount to Items, orders or shipping. This choice determines the promotion type. See What the Discount is Applied to – Promotion Types.
What is the discount rate? – you can apply percentage or flat rate discounts, apply a fixed discounted price to an item, or provide a free gift. See Promotion Discount Rates.
Which eligible item or items is the discount applied to? – if you have an item promotion you must determine if the discount is applied to each eligible item in the transaction, or only the cheapest or most expensive. See Apply Promotion Discount to Each or Every X Items.
What the Discount is Applied to – Promotion Types
There are various aspects of a transaction to which you can apply discount. What you apply discount to, determines what type of promotion you need to create.
There are five types of SuitePromotions:
Item Promotions – percentage or currency amount discounts are applied to items included in an order. These promotions create line-level discounts for each item defined on the promotion. See Creating Item Promotions.
Fixed price item promotions – specific items are available for a fixed promotional price. These promotions create line-level discounts for each item defined on the promotion. See Creating Fixed Price Item Promotions.
Order promotions – percentage or currency amount discounts are applied at the order level and can be based on the order total or on items included in the order. See Creating Order Promotions.
Shipping Promotions – discounts are applied to certain shipping methods and can be based on the order total or on items included in the order. See Creating Shipping Promotions.
Free gift promotions – a specific item is available for free. This free item is automatically added to eligible transactions. See Creating Free Gift Promotions.
Promotion Discount Rates
Promotions can offer percentage or currency amount discounts, or items (free gifts).
Currency amount discounts are referred to as flat rate discounts because the amount of discount awarded to the customer is fixed.
Promotion discounts are not defined by discounts items selected in the Discount Item for Accounting field. This field is required only for accounting purposes.
Promotion discount rates are defined in the What the Customer Will Get section.
If you use the Multiple Currencies feature, you can offer flat rate discounts in each currency you use.
Promotion discounts can never exceed the item or order total.
Fixed Price Item Discounts
Rather than offering a discount as a percentage or amount off of an item's price, you can instead set a fixed price. To do this, create a fixed price item promotion. Set the eligibility criteria and define the currency price for the discounted items.
For information, see Creating Fixed Price Item Promotions.
Free Gift Promotions
You can also offer specific items with 100% discount that will be automatically added to the customer’s order. To do this, create a free gift promotion. Set the eligibility criteria and define which item will be added to the transaction for free.
For information, see Creating Free Gift Promotions.
Apply Promotion Discount to Each or Every X Items
Item promotion discounts (including fixed price item promotions) can be applied to:
each eligible item in the transaction, or
the cheapest or most expensive eligible item or items in the transaction
By default, a discount is applied to each eligible item.
When you create an item promotion with specific item buy conditions, you can select the quantity of items that must be bought at full price to make the transaction eligible for the promotion. In such promotions, the discount is not applied to each eligible item, it is applied to the additional items added to the transaction after this quantity is met. For example, if a customer must buy one item at full price to get a discount on additional items and they have two of these items in their transaction, they will get a discount on one of these items. If they have four of these items in their transaction, they will get a discount on two. To determine which of the items is discounted you specify if the discount is applied to the cheapest or most expensive of the eligible items.
For more information regarding setting the quantity of eligible items that must be bought at full price, see What the Customer Needs to Buy.